
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Follow My Book Blog Friday (31)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: What is the best book you've read in the last month? What is the worst book you've read in the last month? 


Between the books I've read in February and March, these two would definitely be the best. Both of them were SO good and I literally could not put either of them down. If you haven't read them, check out my reviews for Forbidden and Divergent NOW, then go get a copy of the books! You seriously won't regret it! 


This is one of those books that looked so good, I picked it up at Barnes and Noble and bought it. Big mistake. The story was so boring, drawn out, and had a perfectly resolved plot (aka COMPLETELY unrealistic). After looking at the reviews as I was writing my review on goodreads, I realized I was not alone in my feelings towards this book. I learned a huge lesson to research my books before spending the money to buy them. Despite the gorgeous cover, you do not want to waste your time with this one! 


  1. I can't wait to read Divergent!!

    Thanks for stopping at my blog, hopping by to return the follow :)

    P.S. The FF link you left on mine didn't work, it just took me to the F&F picture, found you anyway!
    Have a fantastic weekend!

  2. Hopping through. I have Divergent but haven't read it yet. I really should get to it.
    My Hop

  3. I want to read 'Forbidden' and I just finished 'Divergent' I agree it was a good book. I have also heard negative reviews for 'Illuminate'. Sorry that it wasn't any good for you. I agree it is a pretty cover as well. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. =D

  4. Hi there! Thanks for stopping by! Sounds like some good suggestions, and it's nice to know which ones to avoid. =) Following back!

  5. I loved Divergent and Forbidden. I haven't read Illuminate yet, but I've heard some bad things about it. Such a shame, since it has such a beautiful cover.

    Thanks for stopping by,

    Livin' Life Through Books

  6. I'm glad to know you liked Forbidden! It's on my TBR list. Thanks for stopping by my FF:)

  7. Another Divergent Lover!! Hard to look left without seeing one! One of my most favorite books in the entire world!! Thanks for the warning about Illuminate. The cover is so beautiful though!

  8. I Badly want to read Forbidden and Divergent..:D..
    Illuminated looks so good, I would have bought it, if I were you too..

    New Follower GFC
    My FF

    Check out this Giveaway:
    My 200 Followers Giveaway (INT)

  9. Wow, I really have to read these Veronica Roth books,m they seem to be very popular. Honestly, I've been busying myself with the indie authors lately! Anyway, thanks for stopping by my blog, old follower :P

  10. OOH, I am so excited, I have Forbidden to read. I won it in a giveaway. Now I am super excited. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  11. Thanks for stopping by! Followed you back. I've been needing to read Divergent for a while now. Happy follow Friday!


  12. OOoh I can't wait to read Forbidden now!!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  13. I have not read Forbidden or Divergent yet. I want to but I've heard mixed reviews on Divergent so it's fallen low on my TBR list. I'll make sure not to get sucked in by the cover of Illuminated.

  14. Happy Friday! Thanks for visiting my #FF.

    #Old Follower
    Katrina @ Kindred Dreamheart

  15. I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on Divergent - I've heard so many good things!

    Thanks for stopping by my FF!

  16. Divergent is on my TBR list. I've heard of Forbidden, but I wasn't sure if it's any good - as it seems it is I'll have to check it out.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and have a great weekend!

  17. Hi Jessica, I just followed you from Komal's blog. :)

  18. Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm an old follower :D

    Sorry that happened with Illuminated. I haven't read it, but I've had that happen to me before. Now I check out books from the library, and if I like them, then I buy them later.

    Have a great weekend!

    Amber @ Fall Into Books

  19. Wow, I really like the Forbidden cover!

    Thanks for hopping by. Following back.

    Vikki @ V's Book Life

  20. That is such a shame, because that's a nice cover. Ah, can't judge a book by it's cover! Thanks for stopping by!

  21. I haven't read Illuminated but I'll have to remember to stay away from it. I liked Divergent too!

  22. Right now I'm reading Across the Universe, but after that I REALLY want to get Divergent. Heard lots of positive things about it.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Happy Friday to you, too.

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. I loved Divergent but have not read Forbidden. Thanks for stopping by, Happy Friday!

  25. I really liked Forbidden!! I'm glad you liked it as well :)

    Happy reading and thanks for stopping by!!

  26. I really enjoyed Forbidden as well. I really want to read Divergent.

  27. Thanks for the warning about Illuminated. I know the avoid it now! :) I really enjoyed Divergent, too. I'm looking forward to the sequel in May! Woo!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!

  28. I haven't read Illuminated but thanks for the warning. :)
    New follower btw,
    my FF ;

  29. Illuminated was my worst book also. At least I didn't buy it - I borrowed it from the library. I just purchased Divergent and hopefully I get to read it soon. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Waiting For Wentworth

  30. Divergent is on my next to read in my 3months planned ahead books. Cant wait to read it. Thanks for the follow. following back.

  31. I've heard of Divergent, but not of the other two you listed... maybe I should get started on the good ones once I have time! :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    I'm an old follower!!!! :D

  32. Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

    I haven't read Forbidden yet, but I think I'll add it to my TBR. The cover is so nice!
