
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Book Review: The Duke Is Mine by Eloisa James

The Duke Is Mine
By Eloisa James
Release Date: December 27, 2011
Summary: Destiny will be decided between the sheets in this all-new tale of "The Princess and the Pea."
For Olivia Lytton, betrothal to the Duke of Canterwick--hardly a Prince Charming--feels more like a curse than a happily-ever-after. At least his noble status will help her sister, Georgiana, secure an engagement with the brooding, handsome Tarquin, Duke of Sconce, a perfect match for her in every way . . . every way but one. Tarquin has fallen in love with Olivia.
Quin never puts passion before reason. And reason says that Georgiana is his ideal bride. But the sensual, fiery, strong-willed Olivia ignites an unknown longing in him-- a desire they are both powerless to resist. When a scandalous affair begins, they risk losing everything--Olivia's engagement, her sister's friendship, and their own fragile love. Only one thing can save them--and it awaits in the bedroom, where a magnificent mattress holds life-changing answers to the greatest romantic riddle of all.
Review: I saw this book online a couple of months before it was released and couldn't get it out of my head! I love the cover so much and when I figured out it was a retelling of the Princess and the Pea, I knew I had to read it. And it was awesome! Olivia has been betrothed to Rupert, a duke, ever since she was born, but when she meets Quin, a duke whose mother is trying to find him the perfect wife, none of her plans matter anymore. The problem is Quin's mother has other women for Quin to marry, women who have passed her duchess-worthy tests. 

Doesn't it sound like a great story? Well it was! The first 50 or 60 pages were really hard to get into, but once I got past them, I flew through the rest of the story. I loved Olivia's character and how she was so hardheaded. She full figured and wasn't afraid to talk back to authority. What I loved most about her, though, was how loyal she was to Rupert and her twin sister Georgiana. No matter how much she wanted something, she would always think of others first, which made her impossible not to like. 

All of the other characters were perfect too! Justin was quirky, Georgiana was sweet, Rupert was so innocent, and Quin was just perfect. I loved Quin and Olivia's first encounter and how they were attracted to each other from that moment. Watching them grow closer despite all of the trials they had to go through made this book so good! i wish the beginning wasn't so slow, but other than that this was a fabulous retelling of a classic fairytale. If you're a historical romance fan and want a new, great book to read, make sure you check out The Duke Is Mine!

1 comment:

  1. The fairy retelling of stories has sure peaked my interest. I am so wanting to read all of Eloisa's, I think she has three, and see what others I can find.
