
Friday, February 3, 2012

Follow My Book Blog Friday (26)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: Define what characteristics your favorite books share. Do they all have a kick ass heroine or is the hot love interest the Alpha Male? 

Answer: Oh, I think you all know what my answer is going to be. All of my favorite books have to have sweet, romantic guys who will stop at nothing to get the girl that they want! As long as that happens, I am bound to love the book! Like having a guy write forever on your shoe because he wants to be with you forever...

Or when there's a guy who will do everything in his power to make your life perfect...

*sigh* Okay, I think you get the point. And now I'm going to watch a Nicholas Sparks movie for the thousandth time while eating a tub of ice cream and pretending that that's me in the movie. Because guys like the ones in those movies (and books) are what have made me addicted to reading :)


  1. haha those guys are sooo sweet. But Nicholas Sparks always makes me depressed since somehow they never end up together.

    Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire

  2. I love your answer, and the pictures to go along with it. [: *Old Follower* just stopping by to read answers. Great FF.

    Dreaming In The Pages Enter My Giveaway

  3. Those guys are great, right? The ones that would die for you and more!

    Happy Follow friday, thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. Kyaaa, yes, yes, romantic guys ftw!! xDDD
    New follower, thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend!!

  5. While I love romance and think it's extremely important in a story, it doesn't make or break a book for me. I mostly just love fantasies. But, what fantasy isn't better with some romance?

  6. Love the answer with the gifs, very interesting! Love the choices :)

    Here's my FF post!

    Stephanie @ SOOTP

  7. YES YES YES!! Le swoon. Sweet, romantic boys are a huge part of the reason why I read. And why I currently have VERY unrealistic expectations in men. Boo!

    Thanks for dropping by! I'm officially a follower :D

    Kristin @

  8. Love your answer!! I love stories with sweet, romantic boys!

    Kelly @ Dandelion Dreams

  9. I loved A Walk to Remember! It was one of the few books I read without paranormal elements! That was back in 7th grade, might have been just as I was starting paranormal reads or before. Depending on when the movie released, read the book before that! But Landon was definitely a guy I could date!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  10. Good answer! I love sweet romances. Something about them is so refreshing and innocent ^_^

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    sinn @ sinnful books

  11. That show scene made my heart flutter. Thanks for stopping by.
    New follower
    My FF

  12. me some romance! I love the Walk to Remember gif...I need to rewatch that movie. Thanks for visiting! Old follower.

  13. I know this is unrelated to your post, but I love your background. Love it. =) Thanks for stopping by. =)

  14. Very cute answer! I try not to fall for books with those type of guys but sometimes I can't help it. :)

    Alison at The Cheap Reader

  15. OMG! I'm the same exact way. I love the utterly cute and charming boys in books (and movies) that make me smile when they do something completely adorable. Or my heart races when they say something so romantic or serious about their love for you like I'm the one they're saying it to. Yes, they are worth reading just to spend time with :)

    Danielle @ Novelly Antithetical

  16. Ah, those guys! Yes, those kinds of guys will totally make me melt! Great answer and I love the pictures! Nicholas Sparks, though, that guy just loves to kill of his characters, doesn't he? ;)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Andrea (New Follower)

  17. Oooh, can you recommend some of these books? I'd love to read something about a guy who did something sweet and romantic for the girl he likes or fell for!

  18. Love the answer with all the gifs. Sweet guys are nice. I still prefer the dark bad boy though. Thanks for stopping by the blog

  19. I do like romance, but it's not required in the books I love. However, my favorite movies are Phantom of the Opera and The American President (if you haven't watched this one, it's a cute romance.) Thanks for visiting!

  20. I like Nicholas Sparks occasionally but I'm such a softie and they get me so upset I have to space them out! My favourite is the Notebook.

    Thanks for visiting me.

  21. I love a good romance too. Happily Ever After endings are a must. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Have a great weekend!

  22. well said!!!! i always love a good swoon worthy guy that is willing to go the distance for a girl!!! always romantic!!!!
    old follower!


  23. You sound like such a romantic! But I have to agree that such sweet, caring guys in books can melt even my cold heart. ;)

    And I followed you back. <3

  24. Love the gifs! Are you a tumblr'r!?


  25. Haha I'm the same! I love a great, sweet, make-me-swoon love story ^__^

  26. Aww. I love your answer. I think most girls want a sweet and romantic guy in real life. But the guys in books always seem so much beter!
    Waiting For Wentworth

  27. Yeah, those guys are the heart-warmers!!! And absolutely amazing books! Happy reading!

  28. Yeaaah...I love those Romantic men in the movies and books. *sighs* Like earlier stated, I simple adore my male characters to be tough, but secretly made of fluff. =) Anyways...cute blog! Following you back!

  29. Yes! That is one of my answers to! I like romantic characters. :D

    Whant to read the other part of my answer?
    My FFF


  30. Oh od, I loved 'A Walk to Remember'! It made me cry XD
    Thanks for stopping by!
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  31. Great answer. Romance and sweetness is a great thing to have in literature. =] Thanks for stopping by my FF. =]
    The Bookshelf Review
