
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Waiting One Wednesday (24)

This is a meme hosted by Breaking the Spine where every Wednesday bloggers highlight a book that they are eagerly anticipating the release of! 

My Life Next Door
By Huntley Fitzpatrick
Release Date: June 14th 2012
Summary: "One thing my mother never knew, and would disapprove of most of all, was that I watched the Garretts. All the time." 

The Garretts are everything the Reeds are not. Loud, numerous, messy. And every day from her balcony perch, seventeen year old Samantha wishes she was one of them… until the day Jase Garrett climbs her terrace and changes everything. 

Jase can sense that his beautiful neighbor is missing something in her sterile home, and as the two fall fiercely in love, his family makes her one of their own. 

But when the bottom drops out of Sam's world, which perfect family will save her–and will her perfect love survive? 

Set among the haves and have-nots of a coastal New England town, My LIFE NEXT DOOR captures the angst, the heartache, and the raw-nerve emotions of first time love—and biting loss.

Ahhh I love this cover so much! It's so bright and happy, which seems to reflect what the first part of this book is about. What I'm a little worried about is how serious this book will be when it come's to the "bottom dropping out of Sam's world" because books that are about loss really depress me. It kind of reminds me of Twenty Boy Summer, which I enjoyed but did not feel happy while reading. But maybe it will end up being a cute read that's not really serious at all. Whatever it is, it still sounds awesome and I can't wait to read it!


  1. This one looks really interesting--I added to my TBR recently. I know what you mean about the stories that leave you feeling down--I really have to be in the right mood for them.

    Happy Wednesday!
    ~Jessi @ Reading in the Corner

  2. I've been looking forward to this one too! It looks so cute :) I'm not a big contemp fan, but some of the upcoming ones are really grabbing me! Great pick!

    Anna @ Literary Exploration

  3. I always love when they say stuff like "when the bottom drops out of Sam's world." I get sucked in wondering, every time. What happened? Parents divorce, sib dies, parent dies, lose their $, car crash, cancer? I mean, this is YA, anything can happen, right? But I'm going with ... parents divorce. Can't wait to find out though, looks good, def my kind of book.

  4. Haven't heard of this one before. Hope you love it once it releases!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. I'm waiting for this one too, and I love the cover! Thanks for sharing!

    My WoW:

  6. I want this one so badly! I love the cover and the premise! Great choice!


  7. I'll be adding this one to my reading list!

  8. it's such a cute cover! i want that girl's dress!

    stop by my post? I have a giveaway! :)

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