
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Shelf Candy (23)

Shelf Candy is a meme hosted by Five Alarm Book Reviews and every Saturday, bloggers choose a book whose cover really catches their eye. I know you're not supposed to judge a book by it's cover, but I always do, so I'm choosing books whose cover alone made me pick it up. So I hope you enjoy my shelf candy!

Even though I really did not like the series, I LOVE the covers! The colors are so pretty and I love the bubble idea. In the first one, she's trapped in the bubble but in the second one she's breaking out, which I think has a lot to do with the actual content of the book and the main character being able to finally think for herself. They also have that futuristic appeal, which really goes with the story. These books are so pretty to look at, I just wish the stories inside were just as good! 


  1. Yes! Aren't these covers cool? I had thought about featuring them myself but my list is huge so I am so glad that you featured them.

  2. I love these covers. I read somewhere that the author said she was happy they got the same model to do both covers... can't wait to see what the last book looks like. Great pick!

  3. I have yet to read these, but the covers are so gorgeous that I NEED to buy them soon. Great Shelf Candy pick this week!
    You can check out my Shelf Candy here.
    Dreaming In The Pages Enter My Giveaway

  4. Hi, Jessica!

    These are indeed beautiful covers!! I love the fact that she's smashing her way out of the bubble in the second book!! YAY!!! FREEDOM!!

    I haven't read either of these books yet, but have heard that they're really good. It's too bad you didn't like them...but maybe I'll end up agreeing with you when I read them. I'll just have to get the first one, and see for myself.

    Great Shelf Candy picks!! Have a WONDERFUL weekend!! : )

    Maria @

  5. Very cool covers. I myself would have emphasized them by sliding the titles down and making the bubbles bigger. Of the two, I'm having a hard time deciding which cover I like more - Matched is pretty and graceful but Crossed makes me wonder more about what the book is about.
    Annie @ CandleLitLibrary

  6. I completely agree! The story is ho-hum but the covers are lovely. I'm excited to see what the final cover looks like.

  7. these are very beautiful covers. I actually read Matched because the cover was so intriguing. I haven't read Crossed because I agree the story is ho hum. Great post!

  8. I loved Matched, but I haven't read Crossed yet. I do love the covers for both.
