
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Follow My Book Blog Friday (24)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question:  What's the craziest thing you've ever done to get your hands on a certain book? 

Answer: Well, it's not exactly crazy, but the only time I've ever done anything our of the ordinary to get a particular book was when City of Glass by Cassandra Clare came out. My sister and I slept over at my friends house the night before it came out. The next morning, her mom drove us to Barnes and Noble (this was about 3 or 4 years ago). We stayed in the car and waited and waited until they opened...

And when they opened we ran to the counter where our books were being held. Kinda like this...

We got our books, hopped back in the car, drove back to my friend's house, and dug into our new Mortal Instruments book. It was AWESOME. Not that crazy, but we still had a blast. I haven't done anything like that since then because I've started to pre-order my favorite author's new books online in order to get it a lot cheaper, so I have to wait for it to come to my door instead of running out and getting it. But the feeling of excitement is always the same! Ahhhh I love new books :) 


  1. New books are the best! And don't worry, I haven't done anything insane crazy either.. [: Great FF!
    You can check out my Follow Friday here.

    Dreaming In The Pages Enter My Giveaway

  2. Love the penguins whenever a new Harry Potter book came out I pretty much did the same thing(:

    here is the link to my FF

  3. Happy Follow Friday! I'm a new follower.

  4. Loved your penguin analogy Jess LOL

    My #FF hop is here

  5. Yup, done things like that myself. Even went nearly a day or so without reading so that when my new release came out I could start it right away!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  6. The penguin bit made me smile!!

    I also pre-order a lot of my books, and I've actually found that ordering online? I get them quicker than the bookstore sometimes. (At least where B&N is concerned because my B&N doesn't seem to get a lot of books on release day, but a few days later... go figure.)

    Stop by and see my TGIF / Follow Friday this week!

  7. I love your penguins. I should have pre-ordered Mockingjay, but I sat outside of my bookstore until it opened the day it came out. The guy who opened the door just handed out a copy to everyone who walked in. It's like he knew there was no other book we'd be buying that day. :)
    Happy Friday!

  8. Wow way to just call me your friend I HAVE A NAME! btw That was a super duper awesome day!!!!

  9. Haha! I love the penguin picture! I can completely imagine the dash to the shelves. It is amazing what new books can make us do.

    Old follower.

  10. nothing quite like holding a new book. new follower here is my post so you can hit me up for a follow back

  11. Hahaha I LOVE your story with the funny pics! I would totally run like that to get a book I wanted :P

    New Follower here! I would love if you stopped by to visit me, you can see my FF answer for this week at the link below ;)

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  12. I did something similiar, so I won't judge LOL But it's so cool that you have friends who are booklovers, too! : )

    Patricia (My Post)

  13. I am loving your background and header =) just hopping through to say HI and follow you!


  14. Thanks for stopping by my FF! Love the blog and I'm a new follower ♥


  15. Hopping through. I've never pre-ordered a book b/c I like the feeling of going into the store to buy it. But it is convenient.
    My Hop

  16. Hehe! I love your penguin analogy thing! I've only read City of Bones, but I need to read the rest of the series!
    M FF

  17. Lol love the penguin gif - it's so cute! And I'm also pretty sure that's exactly how I run... lol!

    Thanks for stopping by, following back!

    Radiant Shadows

  18. The book is worth it!

    Hi, I’m a new follower. To check out my Follow Friday post and follow me back:

  19. I really love your answer and also the penguin pictures! Wish I can do that too but I definitely love The Mortal Instrument series!! Old follower hopping through! :)

    Celine @ Forget-me-not

    Here is my FF

  20. Thanks for stopping by Ink Spots and Roses! I love those penguins!
