
Friday, January 6, 2012

Follow My Book Blog Friday (22)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: Go count the number of unread books sitting on your shelf. How many? 

Answer: 171 I know, I couldn't believe it either. At first I was like...

But then, really 171 is not that bad because you know what? I LOVE BOOKS! So having that many books that I haven't read is perfectly okay with me because I know I'll always have something to read at home. And honestly, I can't help from buying books even though I know I have 171 sitting on my shelf waiting to be read. I'll read them eventually...I promise! That's why I joined the TBR challenge this year, to try to make a dent in my TBR pile. Hopefully I can get through a bunch this year! 


  1. I'm the same way, if I want a book I'll buy it or get from the library even though I have plenty of books to read already.
    old follower

  2. Woah girl, that is a lot! I have a ton of books that I WANT to read but I don't own that many that I haven't read. ◕ ‿ ◕

  3. woah, over a hundred. i use to be there but i took one year off and did not purchase a book and it put a nice dent in my pile. plus i can't have books piled on my stand, i like to see them transfer over to the finale resting shelves. lol
    thanks for stopping by and happy reading to you always.

  4. Oh god, I loved Tangled! XD And I guess there is indeed an upside to having a lot of books! There is a lot to read! :D
    Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a great weekend!
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  5. That's my excuse for having so many books. I just love them so much!! And the pile grows and grows and I ALWAYS have a hard time picking which to read next. Then something new and shiny comes out and it jumps straight to the top of the pile. It's a never ending cycle O.O

  6. I agree....when you love books why not have a lot of them. That does make sense. Hopping by on the blog hop today. Old follower. Have a great weekend!

  7. That is a lot to read. But you have a whole yaer ahead! LOL Thanks for stopping by! I'm following.

  8. WOW! But you can never have too many books so that's awesome (: New follower!

  9. My face is in agreement with Pascal's! You will always have something to read at home;)

  10. From one Jessica to Another...I followed you yesterday! haha

  11. Jessica,
    We both need to get busy in making a dent in our TBR pile :) It's great to see another avid reader who has a slight, haha, addiction. I am a new follower.

  12. That isn't too bad a number, hopefully you'll have read a lot of those by the end of this year. Good luck with it±!

    My Follow Friday

  13. 171! It's hard to say no to new books no matter how many you have waiting at home.

  14. Hi! I found you through the hop! I'm a new follower. 171 is not that bad :)
    Have a great weekend!!

    I hope you can check out my blog sometime.

    ♥ Book nerds are pretty too

  15. As long as your home can hold them, all is well! :)

  16. WOAAH! That's a lot! but then again books are awesome and sooo many books = AWESOEMNESS!


  17. That's a lot, but it seems like nearly everyone has a number around that, so at least you know you're not alone!


    Renae @ Respiring Thoughts

  18. YAY PASCAL!!! Love it!! Although I say he was my second fave in that movie! Maximus was my fave character! I'm a total Disney geek!

    Nearly 200 books!? That's insane! Seeing a lot of insane numbers today though. Envying the people who have less than my 50+. I miss the days when I would run out of new reads!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  19. Holy Hot Dogs! 171?! Let's see how many of those you can get read this year!

  20. hehe, i love that little chameleon. so cute!
    well, it's less than one book a day so technically you haven't got enough. lol!

    thanks for visiting my blog

  21. The TBR Intervention has been helping me get through my books--and every time I finish one I feel an accomplishment. :)


  22. Hopping through. That lizard is adorable! Way to make your post stand out.
    My Hop

  23. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog I am following you:)

    I liked your reasons, and knowing that I still have 40++ books is a comforting thought for a reader!

    Happy Friday!

    Natasha @ Dreamland Teenage Fantasy

  24. Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday. Love the lizard graphic on your post! Very creative. Wish you all the best reading your books.

    Now following :-)

  25. I love the gif you used! Good luck with all the books. Hope you have a great weekend!

    Ladybug Storytime

  26. Wow. 171 is a LOT of books. Good luck getting through your challenges!
    Waiting For Wentworth

  27. The good thing about a lot of unread books is that you're never sitting there thinking, "I don't have any books to read!"

    Good luck with reading all of those!

  28. Whoever doesn't like to read, they should be wacked on a head with a great book until they start reading it, and then they are converted! Yep :) Here's to hoping that the TBR challenge gets a lot of books read, so that there's room for more :) Happy reading!

  29. Sorry for the late FF visit. I was surprised by the number of unread books I had as well. But, I completely agree about the compulsion to keep buying book!

    Thanks for visiting! Old follower.

  30. Good luck reading this year! May all have extended days and stretched-out hours. :)

    Thanks for stopping by! Old follower! :D

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