
Sunday, December 18, 2011

In My Mailbox (19)

In My Mailbox is a meme that I picked up from The Story Siren's blog. It's where we share the new books that we've gotten for that week with our readers. These books could be from the library, the store, or from the writers/publishers for review. Whatever the reason, I will share my new books every Sunday!


Since I've been at school for the past two weeks, I got a very nice surprise when I finally came home for Christmas break: Books! These books were waiting for me in my room and I was so excited to see what had come. Some of these are for book tours in January, but I've already dug into the Shadow Falls novels. The first book was really amazing and I'm about 50 pages into the second one and I'm loving it so far too! Check back later for the review of these awesome looking books! 


I FINALLY got to go to the library and pick up some new releases that I hadn't gotten the chance to read while I was at school. I'm super excited to read Lola and the Boy Next Door because I loved the first book so much. What I'm really intrigued to read is Dollhouse because the Kardashian sisters wrote it together. I read the synopsis and it sounds eerily like their own lives, but I guess we'll see how I like it! The rest of these books look great, so hopefully they're as good as I expect them to be. 

Half Price Books

For Cyber Monday, Half Price Books was having FREE SHIPPING, so I got these two books for wayyy cheap prices. I've wanted to read Falling For Hamlet for so long and now that I own it I won't have to wait much longer! Body Check is a sports romance that looked really cute, so I added that one too because it was only 99 cents. I'd have to say that this was my best Cyber Monday deal to date! 

That's it this week! What did you all get in your mailbox? Please share :)


  1. I've seen Falling for Hamlet at the book store. I always contemplate picking it up. The Probability of Miracles looks fab, I hope you like it :0)

    My IMM

  2. I REAALY want to read The Probability of Miracles! & funny, I got Falling from Hamlet from half-priced books myself a couple of weeks ago!

    My IMM ((:
    -thank you&come again.

  3. LOVED Lola. It was amazingly cute and excellent. Hope you enjoy it! Happy Reading!
    My IMM
    A Beautiful Madness

  4. I've also wanted to read Falling for Hamlet. Happy Reading and thanks for stopping by my blog

  5. Such an awesome mailbox! I still haven't read Falling for Hamlet but I will for the TBR Challenge :D

    Shortskie's Mailbox

  6. Great IMM!! Thank you for stopping by my blog :D

  7. Great books this week! I loved The Probability Of Miracles and I hope you do too! Oh and Falling For Hamlet looks really cute! Happy reading.

    Stop by my IMM!

  8. Awesome haul!
    I really want to read Born At Midnight,it looks really good
    And Falling for Hamlet, very interesting! :D
    enjoy your books!

    My IMM :

  9. You got amazing books! I haven't read Lola and The Boy next Door either and I really need to!

  10. OOh very nice! Loved C.C.'s books! Hope you do too! Happy Reading!

    Here's my IMM

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  11. FALLING FOR HAMLET has been on my Must-Read list for way too long.

    Great IMM.

    -Marybeth P.

  12. I really like the cover for All I Want Is You.

    Also you are SO lucky your library already has The Probability of Miracles, although I should probably check mine for that now.

    Happy reading!!

  13. Between the Sea and Sky, Lola, Born at Midnight...I have book envy. Enjoy your great list of books.
    -FABR Steph@FiveAlarmBookReviews

  14. I really need to read the Born at Midnight series, it looks so good!!

    Anna @ Literary Exploration

  15. I really want to read Born at Midnight. The cover looks super interesting. Falling for Hamlet looks adorable! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog, by the way. Have a great week!

  16. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my IMM. Wow what a fantastic book haul there!! I really want to Read Lola and the Boy next door, it keeps popping up on so many blogs.

    Jen - Chocolate Chunky Munkie

  17. Great mailbox! I loved Lola and the Boy Next Door...All I Want is You looks like another great one...Happy reading!

  18. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my IMM. Great IMM! I want to read the Shadow fall books. The Karadashian book so sounds like their life!

  19. Looking forward to your "Time Slice" post :)

  20. Looks like a lot of good books you have there. I'm happy to be out of school too. I'm reading "Lethal" by Sandra Brown. So far, so good. I like her suspense novels.

  21. I am highly suspicious about the Kardashians actually writing their own book. They seem to have trouble stringing coherent thoughts together, let alone a whole narrative thread. But perhaps I am too cynical because I am just not a fan of their whole schtick.

  22. Awesome books this week! :D I hope you like Lola and the Boy Next Door...I loved that one. :D I love me some Cricket. ;)

    Thanks for stopping by my IMM earlier in the week. :D Happy Reading and Happy Holidays! :D

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