
Friday, December 23, 2011

Follow My Book Blog Friday (20)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question:  If you had to spend eternity inside the pages of a book which book would you choose and why? 

Answer: I know everyone is going to say Harry Potter, which is the obvious choice here, so I'm going to try and think of a different book. So I would have to say Vampire Academy 

They live in a world so much different than ours with so many new species, like Dhampirs, Moroi, and Strigoi. Not only that, but if I were to live in these pages for eternity, I'd be able to live longer than normal because they live pretty long lives. I'd probably want to be a Moroi because only Rose can really pull off being a kick-butt Dhampir. So living in these books would be awesome. And having a very attractive vampire friend like Dimitri or Christian (I always had a soft spot for him) wouldn't hurt either :) 


  1. Harry Potter actually came as an afterthought to me, yet still true! Almost chose this one as well! Too many awesome worlds to live in!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend and Happy Holidays!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Hopping through. Love VA. I'd want to be Moroi. Then I could hang out with Christian and Adrian more.
    My Hop

  3. Everyone has such good things to say about The Vampire Academy, I guess I really need to read it! Happy Friday! My Follow

  4. I can't resist....It would have to be Harry Potter for me. Happy Holidays to you!

  5. Hopping through! Very interesting answer! Have a great weekend.

    The Overnight Bestseller

  6. i love those follower so come follow me at Happy Holidays!

  7. Definitely. I would love to live in VA!! Great choice!

    New follower! :)
    Please check out my FF too:

  8. I haven't read any book from the VA series yet. I know, I know I suck right? :) Anyway, I'm a new follower, Happy Holidays!

    Sarah @ Smitten over Books
