
Friday, December 9, 2011

Follow My Book Blog Friday (18)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: Keeping with the spirit of giving this season, what book do you think EVERYONE should read and if you could, you would buy it for all of your friends and family? 

I think that EVERYONE should read this book!!! It is so amazing and the movie coming out in 2012 looks even more amazing. I've already told a bunch of my friends from school to read it and get into long discussions about the book with those who have read it. There's no other books like The Hunger Games so if you haven't already, READ THIS BOOK!


  1. I've really been meaning to read this series. So many people say it is their favorite. I'm putting it now on my wishlist!

  2. I agree, everyone SHOULD read this book. It's one of those books that, while reading, you just knew it was gonna be big. it's that intense.

    Thanks for stopping by PiF!

  3. Agreed! I already got my mom to read them! lol She's very excited about the movie too ^__^

    Amy's Follow Friday

  4. I still haven't read it yet!! I keep on promising myself that I will, but I never do! XD
    Thanks for stopping by!!
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  5. Yay, Hunger Games! Fantastic series. Even my (not-really-a-reader) husband liked this book. :) Can. Not. WAIT. For the movie!

  6. I have yet to read this series..gonna have to check it out though!
    Thanks for stopping by my FF
    Following back :)

  7. Hey Jessica, thanks for stopping by! The Hunger Games is a must-read and we're looking forward to the movie. Good choice.

    Lisa @ The Nocturnal Library

  8. I completely agree everyone should read the Hunger Games series. It is such an awesome book. =]
    Here is My FF

  9. I've been recommending Hunger Games to just about everyone I know lately too! It's just one of those perfect books that seems to have a little of something for everyone.

  10. YES! I always want everyone to read it! Plus it is gender friendly for the most part.

    Beth ^_^

  11. Hunger Games is a great suggestion. Especially since the movie is coming out. Gotta read the books first! Thanks for visiting and have a great weekend!

  12. Definitely a popular pick today!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  13. A popular and important answer! Everyone MUST read it!

    New Follower!
    Visit My FF Jennifer @ Some Like It Paranormal

  14. I promised a couple of fellow book bloggers I wouldn’t “machine gun” my Follow Friday posts on the blogs I visit but this week’s Follow Friday has inspired me to make an important exception.

    The book I think everyone should read is a work of non-fiction called The Four Hour Workweek. The thing is, the book is very well written and entertaining so it reads like a work of fiction. What the book can do to enhance your life and change the way you live day by day seems unbelievable on its face which might mark it a legitimate work of fiction for the skeptics out there.

    If you read this work of non-fiction and really follow the advice it gives and apply the insights you’ll gain, your life will read like a modern tale fairytale.

    I encourage, implore and even insist you follow me back to my book blog so you can find out why I think EVERYONE should read The Four Hour Workweek –


    Howard Sherman

  15. Great pick, Jessica! (And thanks for loving PLAYING HURT...)

  16. Love the Hunger Games! I'm trying to convince my husband to read them right now so that we can go see the movie together.

    Lindsey from

  17. I still need to read this book and I swear I'm going to! I'm kinda hoping I'll get it for Christmas ;)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  18. Hopping through. Love Hunger Games. It's a must for anyone who likes YA.
    My Hop

  19. I have them! I plan to read them in January ... can't wait! :) Happy FF!

  20. good choice with THG....its really a great book...

    thanks for stopping by

    Old Follower
    Aparajita @Le' Grande Codex

  21. I agree, everyone should read The Hunger Games. Nice pick. Old follower.
    My Follow Friday

  22. I loved The Hunger Games. Loved the whole series, but I loved the first book the best. Can't wait for the movie!

  23. I haven't read these yet, but I have the trilogy on my Christmas wish list.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    New Follower.
    Waiting For Wentworth

  24. We both have The Hunger Games! Thanks for stopping by!
