
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Shelf Candy (14)

Shelf Candy is a meme hosted by Five Alarm Book Reviews and every Saturday, bloggers choose a book whose cover really catches their eye. I know you're not supposed to judge a book by it's cover, but I always do, so I'm choosing books whose cover alone made me pick it up. So I hope you enjoy my shelf candy!

The main reason why I wanted to read this book so much was because of how in love I was with this cover. Pink is my favorite color, and it is absolutely perfect to be used with this dreary, gray background. The girl sitting on a swing in the middle of the rain really gives the cover a sad, lonely feeling and proves to the audience that this girl really is unlovable. I was actually able to review this book for the author (which I was ECSTATIC about) and I loved it! Here's my review if you want to check it out! The story really is as great as the cover looks. 


  1. I featured this cover once. It is awesome. There is another YA book that has used some of the same images....humm, can't remember which one. Well, if I remember, I will come back.

  2. I love this cover! It has a really creepy haunting vibe.

    My shelf candy is here if you'd like a look :)

  3. I'm loving this cover too! Now I'll have to check it out. Sigh. ;)
