
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Book Review: The Masquerade by Brenda Joyce

Summary: It is finally time for Elizabeth Fitzgerald to enter society. At her first masquerade, she is shocked by Tyrell de Warenne and his invitation for a midnight rendezvous in the garden. Little does he know that Lizzie has been in love with him ever since she was a little girl, but something comes up and Lizzie can't meet Tyrell that night. Two years later, Lizzie shows up at Tyrell's doorstep claiming to have had his baby. Tyrell immediately remembers Lizzie, but he knows for a fact the baby is not his. He doesn't understand the game Lizzie is trying to play on him, but he's willing to play with the fiery passion Lizzie brings out in him in order to find out. 

Review: This is the first book I've read by Brenda Joyce and I loved it! I loved Lizzie's character and how she wasn't interested in high society things and fashion but instead wanted to stay in and read all day. So many people can connect with her personality and her crush on someone she has barely even talked to. Oh yes, her crush on Tyrell is COMPLETELY understandable. He is so charming, good looking, and an overall prefect guy. He's always there to save Lizzie, even though she won't admit to him her attraction. The story did have it's slow points and I did think it was drawn out a little too much, but the romance and attraction between Lizzie and Tyrell was so enjoyable to read. I hated Anna and how she ruined everyone else's lives in her family except for her own and she still got a perfectly happy life. But that aspect just brought out the best in Lizzie and brought even more love into her life. The Masquerade just fed more into my addiction for historical romances and I know this won't be the last book I'm going to read of Brenda Joyce's.

1 comment:

  1. I love when a book has relatable characters. I'm curious about how this one ends.
