
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Shelf Candy (8)

Shelf Candy is a meme hosted by Five Alarm Book Reviews and every Saturday, bloggers choose a book whose cover really catches their eye. I know you're not supposed to judge a book by it's cover, but I always do, so I'm choosing books whose cover alone made me pick it up. So I hope you enjoy my shelf candy!

I am so in love with this girl's hair it's not even funny! And putting it with the dark background and dark clothes, it just looks so stunning! I love how you can tell that this is going to be a romance book but you know there's going to be pain and hurt by how sad they look on the cover. Then, add the dark forest and background, you get the whole "shadow" vibe from the title. I love this cover so much and can't wait to get my hands on this book! 


  1. Her hair reminds me of the girl of Fury. I love it!

  2. Red hair is always so stunning. Really nice:)

    jenn | writer's block

  3. The best covers are definitely those that transfer the emotions of the story within. I can't wait to read this one either :)

  4. This is so pretty. I love covers like this.

  5. This is SO stunning! I love deepness of the cover with her bright read hair.

  6. I agree about the color contrasts, they're beautiful! I also like that they don't show the models faces, I like to picture them in my head :) Great choice!
