
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Book Review: Home At Last Chance by Hope Ramsay

Summary: Dear Reader,
You won't believe what's happened. My son Tulane has come back home! You remember Tulane? He'd set out to find fame and fortune in the big, wide world outside of Last Chance, and I'm mighty proud. But that's not the half of it-Tulane isn't only back, he's brought a young lady with him.

Now Sarah-she does PR for Tulane's stock-car team-she's from Boston, but she's just about the sweetest girl you could meet. I think she's meant to keep Tulane out of trouble after that story in the papers, but he doesn't want to talk about it. Anyhow, the Ladies Auxiliary can't wait to start matchmaking and introduce Sarah to our Reverend Ellis. But mark my words, Sarah is tired of being a good girl. And no one is better at breaking the rules and raising Cain than my son . . .

Listen to me going on and keeping customeres waiting. I best get back to work, but you come round again. The Cut 'n' Curl's got hot rollers, free coffee, and the best gossip in town.
See you real soon,
Ruby Rhodes

Review: I've always been into sport romances, but I've never tried out a race car driver one before. Boy have I been missing out! This book was such a cute read and I absolutely loved Tulane. He was so irresistible with his good looks and talent on the race track. Not to mention what a sweet person he ended up being under his bad boy exterior. Sarah was the perfect good girl to break down Tulane's defenses and bring out the good, sweet nature in him. Every single person in Last Chance was so cute and caring that I just couldn't get enough of that town! It seems like the perfect place to go, fall in love, and settle down in. I really liked seeing Tulane in the setting of his home and open up to Sarah like he never had to any other girl. Everything about this book was adorable and it was just a feel-good read. For a light romance, I'd highly recommend picking this one up. You won't regret it one bit. 


  1. Sounds like a great escape read! I need that once in a while. :)

  2. Oh how I love race car drivers!! So this book already looked like a "Win" for me! Bhut now that I've read your review? I really want to read it!
