
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Shelf Candy (7)

Shelf Candy is a meme hosted by Five Alarm Book Reviews and every Saturday, bloggers choose a book whose cover really catches their eye. I know you're not supposed to judge a book by it's cover, but I always do, so I'm choosing books whose cover alone made me pick it up. So I hope you enjoy my shelf candy!

This cover just creeps my out every time I look at it, but definitely in a good way. Why is the girl floating in the water? Is she coming out of the water? And the reflection of her face makes the whole thing even more creepy. Then, when I read the summary it said "the It Girl meets The Exorcist" and it really has me shaking in my boots. I'm normally not one for scary movies/books, so maybe that's why this cover is so scary to me, but the reason I like it is because a simple picture can get that emotion from me. Not only is it a cool cover, it really captures what the book is about. 


  1. The "It" Girl meets the exorcist? Sounds good to me. The cover does lead me to want to know more. Great pick.

  2. The Exorcist was definitely scary.
    Have this on my e-reader and didn't even notife the reflection. Thanks for bringing it up.

    Here's my shelf candy this week!
    Shelf Candy

  3. Yeah scary factor is working its magic here. Her pale face floating in black water is really creepy.
    My Shelf Candy

  4. I didn't notice the reflection either! That's what happens when your ereader has a tiny screen. Love Nancy Holder; she always has great covers!

    And my Shelf Candy.

  5. Wow! Love this cover. Super spooky and just in time to get me in the Halloween mood :)

    Here's my Shelf Candy if you wanna check it out :)
