
Friday, September 16, 2011

Follow My Book Blog Friday (10)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: It's that pesky magic book fairy again! She has another wish: What imaginary book world would you like to make a reality? 


I'm pretty sure my answer needs no explanation. I just recently joined the quidditch team here at college and it's just not the same on the ground (but it's still pretty epic). Being able to do magic, fly on a broom, and apparate would be so awesome. Just talking about it makes me sigh in longing....


  1. I saw a news story about Quidditch teams on college campuses. That is so cool. How fun that you joined one! It's too bad that there aren't any flying brooms though.

  2. My cousin plays quidditch... but how much cooler would it be to play for real with flying brooms and such! Happy Friday!
    Cana Elene

  3. wait...Quidditch is real?! LOL :)

    i also picked Harry Potter for my follow friday!it's just so magically awesome!

    Trish - My Friday Memes

  4. Thanks for the comment over at Rywn! You're so lucky to be able to play Quidditch at all! I'd love to have had that as an option back when I was in college. Harry Potter is such an easy choice, who wouldn't watch to be a witch/wizard? :D

  5. Thanks for stopping by! Following Back! I sooo did not here about this whole Quidditch thing. So cool!

  6. Harry Potter was my first choice but then I changed it to Middle Earth. I think everyone secretly wants their invitation to Hogwarts. That is so cool that you get to play Quidditch!

    Lindsey @

  7. Hi, old follower here for the hop! Harry Potter was part of my answer as well. Great pick!

  8. Old follwer, Thanks for visiting my page! Love Harry Potter!

  9. Yay for Harry Potter!! I would so love to live in that world as well! I'd settle for a trip to the amusement park in Orlando though! Great pick! Cool that your college has a form of Quidditch! What position do you play?

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  10. ohhhhhhhh, great pick! the world of Harry Potter would be awesome to be in!

    My FF

  11. Just hopping by to say hey, new follower. I picked Harry Potter too. I wish I could play Quidditch!

  12. Oh.My.Gosh. A real Quidditch team?? How flipping awesome! (Although not quite as cool as it would be with brooms...)

  13. haha! That is so awesome that you joined a Quidditch team! Too cool, old follower :)

    My FF- Book Briefs


  14. Thanks for stopping by. That you play quidditch is awesome!
