
Monday, September 19, 2011

Blog Tour/Book Review: Perfectly Crazy by Mitzi Penzes

Summary: Sexy, stylish and successful, Nell always prided herself on her common sense. So why is she suddenly crazy for David, her married best friend of twenty years? With a single kiss, Nell s perfect Californian life turns upside down. All the safety of her well-adjusted marriage to a respected plastic surgeon and her growing fashion business pale in comparison to the passion experienced in that kiss. Can she go on as before, or will she make the biggest change of her life? Will she face disaster and tragedy, or perhaps adventure and a second chance? Or possibly both? Find out from this fast paced book where the sceneries are changing as fast as the movies. Life is full of surprises and challenges that anyone would call perfectly crazy yet they may become reality one day. Or will they?

Review: I was expecting so much more from this book. Starting with the writing style, it was just okay. Some of the things that the characters said I couldn't imagine people actually saying to each other and I felt like the author told us the story instead of showing it to us (you know, showing vs telling....). And I was not that big of a fan of the main character Nell. She didn't seem to care when her husband died and she always knew she looked super hot because guys starred at her when she walked by. Yeah right. And with a 16 year old daughter, she is not as young as she acts and she isn't a good mom. Moms don't spend every night over at their boyfriend's house and they don't fly to France because their love life has issues. So the story was not really believable or even likable. A woman who barely cares that her husband dies and gets with someone else not even a week later is not someone I like to read about. I wish I could have liked this more, but I just couldn't.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your honest review! A pet peeve of mine is unrealistic actions/dialogue.

    And thank you for stopping by my blog and sharing a link to yours. I was already a follower of your blog and an email subscriber. :) I really like it!

