
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Giveaway: Madame Bovary's Daughter

Summary: Picking up after the shattering end of Gustave Flaubert’s classic, Madame Bovary, this beguiling novel imagines an answer to the question Whatever happened to Emma Bovary’s orphaned daughter?
One year after her mother’s suicide and just one day after her father’s brokenhearted demise, twelve-year-old Berthe Bovary is sent to live on her grandmother’s impoverished farm. Amid the beauty of the French countryside, Berthe models for the painter Jean-François Millet, but fate has more in store for her than a quiet life of simple pleasures. Berthe’s determination to rise above her mother’s scandalous past will take her from the dangerous cotton mills of Lille to a convent in Rouen to the wealth and glamour of nineteenth-century Paris. There, as an apprentice to famed fashion designer Charles Frederick Worth, Berthe is ushered into the high society of which she once only dreamed. But even as the praise for her couture gowns steadily rises, she still yearns for the one thing her mother never had: the love of someone she loves in return.

Brilliantly integrating one of classic literature’s fictional creations with real historical figures, Madame Bovary’s Daughter is an uncommon coming-of-age tale, a splendid excursionn through the rags and the riches of French fashion, and a sweeping novel of poverty and wealth, passion and revenge.

Linda Urbach has graciously offered a copy of Madame Bovary's Daughter for a giveaway! Thanks so much Linda!

To enter: 
-Post a comment on this interview with your email
-You do not need to be a follower, but it would be greatly 
appreciated if you were! 
-1 winner will be randomly chosen and announced on August 23rd
-The winners have 48 hours to reply before a new winner is chosen

Extra Points:
+1 for following Peace Love Books on Twitter
+1 for tweeting about giveaway
+1 for posting about this giveaway

For each extra point, please leave another comment with a link! 


  1. This book sounds amazing! Thanks for the giveaway! :)


  2. Aren't you supposed to be unpacking?

    I love finding out what happens next, don't you?
    And of course I am your devoted follower on GFC (Jennifer E) and Twitter @NyxTheBookCat.


  3. I love historicals so I am in!

    I was already a follower MichelleKCanada
    Now following on Twitter as @AnotherLookBook


  4. Sounds like a great book! If this giveaway is open internationally, please enter me (I'm in the UK). I'm a GFC follower.


  5. This book sounds great! I'm already a follower. Here's my email. buffywnabe(at)gmail dot com

  6. I'm a longtime follower. Sadly I'm not on Twitter but I'd love to be entered for this giveaway if it is international.

  7. Thanks for the giveaway!!

    On twitter i followed you my username is JohnsGirl202 and the link for my tweet about it is!/JohnsGirl202/status/104568759406178305

  8. Gorgeous cover. Love to read this one.
    Please enter me in the giveaway.

    plb1050 at gmail dot com

  9. Already following you on GFC.

    plb1050 at gmail dot com

  10. Already following on Twitter

    plb1050 at gmail dot com

  11. I twittered about the giveaway!!/ItsTimeMamaw/status/104590907260669953

    plb1050 at gmail dot com

  12. I posted on my blog about this giveaway.

    plb1050 at gmail dot com

  13. I've never read Madame Bovary... maybe I should.
    Love your blog background!

  14. I would love to read this! Thank you!

    inthehammockblog at gmail dot com

  15. twitter follower in_the_hammock

    inthehammockblog at gmail dot com
