
Friday, August 5, 2011

Follow My Book Blog Friday (6)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: Talk about the book that most changed or influenced your life (was it a book that turned you from an average reader to avid reader, did it held you deal with a particular difficult situation, does it bring you comfort every time you read it?). 


A book that changed me was A Walk to Remember. You know why? Because it was the very first book that I've ever cried about because the story was so sad. Even though I had already seen the movie before I read it, I still cried because there was just so much emotion in the book! To this day I still only cry when I read a Nicholas Sparks book. His books are just so sad! I don't cry about books or movies easily, but I can't help but get so emotional when I read his books! And even if I read the book first and then see the movie, I will cry my eyes out in both. Nicholas Sparks is really the only one who can make me cry. Well, him and the dogs from 8 Below. But that's it! So I'd say he kinda changed my life :) 


  1. I don't think I have read that book or seen that movie. I might have to rectify that!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Following you back!

  2. I have never actually cried over a book before. I've gotten teary-eyed, but that's the farthest I've gone. Maybe I should read a Nicholas Sparks book...:P

    My FF

  3. I have seen the movie. I don't read Sparks, not for lack of trying. I never seem to be able to make it through a whole book. I know, blasphemy.

    Happy Friday!

  4. I've seen the movie and read the book. Both were good, but the book was better.
    Cana (new follower)

  5. Hi there, new follower here, returning the follow! Love your blog!

    That book made me cry too, it's so sad, but still very good. Nice pick!

    Have a great weekend! :)

  6. I still haven't read this! I'll really need to pick it up at some point, there's nothing like a book that's so good it can make you cry!

    Happy Friday!
    Scarlet Letters

  7. Is that the one with Keanu Reeves? If so, I loved the film, but haven't yet read the book. I've gone off Nicholas Sparks a bit lately but maybe this is one I would enjoy. Love the blog - I'm following :-)

  8. New follower :) I love A Walk to Remember! All of Nicolas Spark's books are wonderful!

    Hippies, Beauty, and Books. Oh My!

  9. I've only seen the movie, but I don't think I could handle the book. It is such a sad story! And don't even get me started on the Note Book. My heart breaks every time I think about it!!

  10. I've never read a N. Sparks books. Just saw the Notebook which is BY FAR my favorite movie. I think oneday if I'm in need of a cry-fest I'll pick up one of his novels!

    Trish @ Tales From...

  11. The Notebook is one of my notable books too. I swear I started crying on about page 5, and didn't stop until the end. Then I read Message In A Bottle -- I'm not sure I've read Sparks since then! I just can't take it!

  12. That's awesome. I'm not a big crier during books, so the few that I do cry during I know are something special. :]

    Thanks for stopping by my friday memes and following my blog! I'm following your blog now as well! :)

    ♥ Sarah

  13. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm now a follower!

    I only pick up a Sparks if I'm in the mood to really bawl my eyes out! I read A Walk to Remember after seeing the film and I cried as well. I really liked Nights in Rodanthe!

    He's amazing at writing tearjerkers!

  14. Aw I didn't read the book, but I've watched the movie :)
    Amy's Follow Friday

  15. Thanks for coming by my blog!
    I have only read one Nicholas sparks book and it was Notebook. I enjoyed it a lot.

    I am a new follower, too.

    inga from

  16. I've read a lot of Nicholas Sparks books, but I have never read that one. I should really do that!

    Thanks for stopping by and following me! I'm now following you as well. :)

    Have a great weekend!

    The Musings of ALMYBNENR

  17. I love books that can make you cry, it always sticks with you.

  18. Thanks for visiting my blog (Inlibrisveritas)!
    I don't think I've ever read any Nicholas Sparks books, so I think I'll have to check this out the next time I go to the book store.

  19. Oh gosh! I don't think I could handle that book, the movie made me bawl! Thanks for stopping by my FF!

  20. Never read the book, but I totally remember the movie!! Everyone was crying in the theater, so sad :(

  21. Hey Jessica happy you stopped at my blog. I know Nicholas Sparks is the best! Ok, only read one book--The Last Song but liked a lot. Saw the movie of A Walk to remember --I just love Shane West and Mandy Moore!
    Thanks for the share.

  22. Great pick for your book! Thank you for stopping by and saying hi! I am a new follower!

  23. Great pick! I read this one as well after I started my paranormal kick! Since back then paranormals weren't as popular and easily accessed!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  24. Oh god, Nicholas Sparks wrote that? No wonder!! I haven't actually read anything by him but I've seen The Notebook and it made me a little terrified of him. Too many tears!

    Thanks for stopping by.

    Once Upon A Time

  25. I haven't read the book yet, but I cry every time I watch that movie & The Last Song (which I've seen like 30 times because I love it so much), I have to read more Nicolas Sparks soon, I have a few on my shelf.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!
    Jess @ The Midnight Bookworm

  26. I haven't read or seen those movies. But then I don't like sad things either. Thanks for stopping by.

  27. its so nice when a book can make you cry, it always sticks with you.

  28. I know a lot of people who love Nicholas Sparks but I just have a hard time getting into them. But my sister loves them and I know he can have a lot of impact on people's lives. Thanks for stopping my by blog! Happy Friday :)

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

  29. It's sad but I've never read a single Nicholas Sparks book.

    Thanks for stopping by and I'm with you. I liked The Host better than Twilight. :)

    Lydia @ Sensual Ride

  30. Thanks for the blog visit! I pick up Sparks books whenever I need and excuse for a crying jag...they just rip your heart out, don't they? So emotional. Loved the movie, too.

  31. Great choice! I love A Walk to Remember (: Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend!

  32. Hey Jessica. Thanks for hopping by this week. I haven't read A Walk to Remember but I did see the movie and really liked it. It's very bittersweet isn't it?

    Hope you're having a great weekend.

  33. Nicholas Sparks can make me cry, and I mean cry, like no one else. Thanks for stopping by!

    Old follower

  34. Haha! So many authors I haven't tried out yet. Nicholas Sparks is another author I'd like to read someday.

  35. I STILL haven't read A Walk to Remember. I've seen the movie half a dozen times, but still haven't read it, and it was a recently acquired eBook.

    Just hopping back from Pretty in Fiction. You've been followed.

  36. Hi Jessica!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog.
    I've seen A Walk to Remember the movie but yet to read the book. It's a sad sad story. :P I love Dear John but my favorite is THE LAST SONG :) All of them are quite depressing but definitely great books!

    New follower,
    April @Books4Juliet

  37. Thanks for following. I am now returning the follow!

  38. I'm a total Sparks fan too! Go figure! :P

    Shiny new follower here! <3

    My FF - Linky Here

  39. Thanks for visiting my blog. I remember seeing this movie, but I've never read the book. Fun to see our answer.

  40. I saw the movie A Walk to Remember, but I have never read the book (actually, I didn't even know that there was a book). I did like the movie, so maybe I should pick up the book.

    Aaron (Dreaming About Other Worlds)

  41. Hopping through. I read A Walk To Remember years ago and loved it. Made me cry.
    My Hop

  42. Thanks for stopping by. I hate to say it, but A Walk to Remember is the reason I refuse to read any more Nicholas Sparks books. It made me feel so good, then the ending sucked. I do still go see the movies often, but I just can't bring myself to read the books.

  43. I like Nicholas Sparks. His books are really good. This one, like most of them, tore me up and made me tear up. Nicholas Sparks is good for that. :)

    ~Asheley (Into the Hall of Books)

  44. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love this movie! But have never read anything by Nicolas Sparks...

    Happy FF!

  45. Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
    I have not read that book I only saw the movie and it is one of my favorites and it brought me to tears. actually it does every time I see it. I just have to read that book as well!

  46. I absolutely loved A Walk To Remember! It's the only Nicholas Sparks book I've read so far and I bawled my eyes out. I also cry whenever a Nicholas Sparks movie is on!

  47. Thanks for stopping by my FF :)
    I've never read Nicholas Spark's books before... I think I'll try some of his books when I have time!


  48. Oh man, Nicholas Sparks always cause my tear ducts to work overtime! My favorite Sparks book is The Lucky One, movie is The Notebook. I cry at the end of that movie every single time!


  49. I loved that movie. It was amazing.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  50. I cry at books, too - more than I cry at movies, actually. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows? I had to close that book for ten minutes at "I'm ready to die" and get all my crying out of my system, as I couldn't read the book through my tears.

    I've never read Nicholas Sparks, but I did see A Walk to Remember: The Movie and I remember it being very sad.

  51. I've never read Nicholas Sparks before, but I probably will one day. I don't want to cry though.:( If you want a book to test that challenge try Simon's Choice. I definitely won't. The author emailed me in my earliest days for review and that was a quick no after reading the description.

  52. Thanks for hopping by my blog. Sometimes I really love a good crying book! I've never read that one, but I did see the movie.
    Have a great weekend. :)

  53. His books have a way of bringing tears to eyes!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    GraceKrispy@MotherLode blog

  54. I haven't read any Sparks books! I have 2 [I'll need to get to them soon] But I have cried in every single movie I've watched based on his book xD!

    really need to read them ^^

    Thank you for stopping by my blog! Enjoy your weekend!

  55. I loved the book way more than the movie! The book just captured a lot more to me. I'm already a follower but thanks for stopping by and following!

    A Written Rhapsody
