
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Book Review/Giveaway: Escape by Barbara Delinsky

Summary: One day, 32-year-old Emily Aulenbach leaves her New York law office early, drives home, packs her things, and drives nonstop to a seaport town in New Hampshire. On the surface, her spontaneous exit seems to have no single cause. She loves Manhattan, adores her husband James, and knows that most lawyers would beg for her job at the prestigious firm. None of those lures, however, suffice for the almost indefinable something that pulls Emily back to the place where she once broke her heart and ruined her friendship with her closest friend. A soul-tugging romance by a proven master of the craft.

Review: I don't know what it was, I just couldn't really get into this book. It was interesting enough about a lawyer who drops everything and leaves because she hates her job so much, but it was boring at times. Some parts were all just what Emily was thinking and I kind of got tired of her thinking so much. Maybe I'm just too young for this book because I didn't really connect with Emily all that well. James was probably my favorite character because he was a good guy and the kind of husband everyone wants. My favorite part though was the animal shelter part because I used to volunteer at a cat shelter, so I know how she felt there, but other than that I wasn't all that interested. The beginning was boring once Emily left New York and I feel like this book didn't need to be as long as it was. Sometimes I felt like the author was going on and on about the case Emily and James were working on and I was just bored with it.I liked Emily's story and how she hated the life she worked so hard to get, but the details of it weren't all that interesting. Escape was a pretty good book, I just don't think that it was for me.


One lucky winner will receive a copy of Escape by Barbara Delinsky! 

To enter: 
-Post a comment on this review with your email
-You do not need to be a follower, but it would be greatly 
appreciated if you were! 
-1 winner will be randomly chosen and announced on August 7th
-The winner have 48 hours to reply before a new winner is chosen


  1. I wasn't going to enter this contest, but once I read your shining review, I could not stop myself!! So intriguing!!!

    Well, it does intrigue me, for some reason......!

    I would appreciate winning and reviewing this book, and ask to be entered into the contest, please!

    Thank you!
    madley (AT) cogeco (DOT) ca

  2. I can't decide if I want to read ths books or not. The description sounds good but its not my normal genre. :D

  3. I've picked this book up and put it back down on several occasions. I think I'll end up checking it out! Thanks for the review!

  4. I'd love to win this.

    stephaniet117 at yahoo dot com

  5. Just found your site from a link from author Jane Porter. How of two of my favorite things, books and movies! :) This book appeals to me as I too volunteered at an animal shelter, and like the main character I'm taking a new direction in where my life is headed. Thanks for the review!

    csolinda (at) hotmail (dot) com

  6. Loving your site and reviews. I would love to win this.
    Come visit me here: Http://

  7. Oooh this sounds like a book I could get into!

    I really enjoyed your review for Escape.

    I write a lot of reviews on my blog, usually YA and romance, if you fancy stopping by!

    So yeah, I'd love to be entered into the giveaway please!

    pamela(at)pamelaltodd(dot)com (teeny104 GFC)


  8. I would love to win this :) Thank you for your fab Review

