
Monday, August 1, 2011

Book Review: A Dark Sicilian Secret by Jane Porter + Giveaway!

Summary: Jillian Smith is on the run. On the run from the mafia and, oh yeah, the love of her life. When Jillian discovered that Vittorio d'Severano had a secret life, she took off with scars on her heart and a baby boy growing inside of her. When Vittorio finally tracks her down a year later, he tells Jillian she must marry him or he will take their son to his home in Sicily. Jillian wants nothing to do with Vittorio, but how can she resist this Sicilian man when every touch from him has her begging for more?

Review: I usually am not a big fan of mob/mafia related books, but that connection didn't bother me with A Dark Sicilian Secret. Jill and Vitt's families had mafia ties, but the story wasn't about the mafia, it was about Jill and Vitt, which made me happy. Vitt seemed really dangerous and evil when we first met him because all the reader got was Jill's point of view. But when the point of view changed to Vitt and we got to learn their whole past, I really started to like him. He is such a sweet and caring guy that I don't even know how Jill could have though he would have hurt her. Their baby Joe (I know, kind of a weird name for a baby) was so cute!! I thought that sometimes Jill acted a little bit stupid when it came to Vitt. No matter how hard Jill tried, she just couldn't seem to resist Vitt when he was near yet she kept on running away. When Vitt easily figured out Jill's past ties to the mafia, I thought that was a bit too easy for him to do, but hey, maybe someone really can have that many connections. I wish that we could have read about their past relationship instead of only being recapped on it, since this book wasn't all that long anyways, but it was still a cute, shorter read. I really enjoyed Jane Porter's writing and can't wait to find some more of her books to read!


Two lucky winners will receive a copy of Jane Porter's book King of the Desert, Captive Bride along with some Jane Porter swag! 

King of the Desert, Captive Bride by Jane Porter
Summary: When Sheikh Khalid Fehr rescues innocent Olivia Morse from the hands of his country's enemies, he guarantees her freedom by announcing she is his betrothed....

Khalid has vouched for Liv with his honor... and this desert king is determined that his new wife will fulfill her marital duties, by his side as his regal queen...and as his captive virgin bride!

To enter: 
-Post a comment on this review with your email
-You do not need to be a follower, but it would be greatly 
appreciated if you were! 
-2 winners will be randomly chosen and announced on August 6th
-Winners have 48 hours to reply before a new winner is chosen


  1. Enter me! Donna

    Would love to win one.

  2. Jess...enter me!! I'm an old follower! But stop by my blog and get in on my giveaway!! Its big!

  3. hey, just letting you know I nominated you for some blog awards, if you're interested in playing. If not, sorry!

  4. Hello, Jessica -

    I have been an email follower of yours - attracted by the title of your Blog! And now am GFC, also.

    I am curious about this book - curious about the line: "When Sheikh Khalid Fehr rescues innocent Olivia Morse from the hands of his country's enemies".

    How did Olivia get in the hands of Sheikh Khalid Fehr's enemies?? Guess I need to read the book!

    Please add my name into this draw, Jessica.

    my email: madley (AT) cogeco (DOT) ca

    Thank you!

  5. Sometimes I like mafia/mob books and sometimes I don't. It all depends on the author I guess. Same with Sheikh books. I haven't read either for a long time so they would be refreshing and I'd love to review them on my blog. Please enter me! Followed!
    writingwhat (at) gmail (dot) com

  6. I love Jane's books. I've only read a few of the Harlequin Presents books (which are great) and I've read all of her women's fiction books. I heard her speak at my local RWA meeting and she was great....very motivational.
    Thanks for the review!

    csolinda (at) hotmail (dot) com

  7. The book has awesome love scenes (I won't be staying away so long this time) and just enough suspense to keep you intrigue. For all of you Harlequin fans, you will definitely want to pick this one up.

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