
Sunday, July 17, 2011

In My Mailbox (5)

In My Mailbox is a meme that I picked up from The Story Siren's blog. It's where we share the new books that we've gotten for that week with our readers. These books could be from the library, the store, or from the writers/publishers for review. Whatever the reason, I will share my new books every Sunday!

From Book Shop Adventure
So two weeks ago my twin sister, our best friend, and I went on a book shop adventure around Columbus, Ohio. We went to Half Price Books, The Acorn Book Shop, and The Book Loft. And an adventure it was! The Book Shop was amazing with it's endless rooms of books that we had to make sure to get in every single one. The Acorn Book Shop had good books, but it was a little bit on the creepy side. We went into the basement where they had rows of books, but it was dark with an old man just hanging out down there. He asked us if we wanted help like 5 times and after we took a quick glance, we bolted back up stairs completely creeped out. But the best part of this whole day was Half Price Books. I swear I had walked into heaven. It was probably 3 times as big as the one I usually go to and they had 3 walls dedicated to $1 books. My eyes literally bulged when I walked inside the store. Needless to say, I got quite a few of books that day and it has been one of the best days of my summer. 

From Library

Even though I have so many books that I have to read, I just can't help getting even more from the library! These books had really good reviews, so I can't wait to read them! Hopefully they're worth spending the time on reading over my huge TBR pile!! 

From Library Sale

I have, yet again, bought books off the library sale wall. How could I even think of passing up these awesome books that are only $1? I only pay in change, so it's like I'm not even spending money anyways!! That's the best when I get books that I know I'll love :) 

From Givewaway

I won these books from the awesome blogs LS: The Beginning and CSI Librarian! I'm super excited to get to read them! 

From Netgalley

So many people this book two weeks ago, so I immediately went to Netgalley and requested it. I finished reading it yesterday, so my review will come very soon! 

From Author/Publisher

I got so many great books last week! Since I've been on vacation for a week though, we haven't gotten mail for the past week. It comes tomorrow though and I'm supposed to have some great books waiting for me! I guess you'll have to wait until next Sunday to see what I got! 

 That's it! What all was in your guys's mailboxes this week? Please share! 


  1. You got a lot of great books this week! I love buying books cheap to support my reading addiction :) It can get very expensive to keep buying new so when I can buy half-priced or less I'm one happy person.

    My IMM:

  2. Wow. You got a lot of books. I have bought Imaginary Girl and Across the Universe but haven't read them. Happy reading :D

  3. "Imaginary Girls" was such a FANTASTIC read. And "Graceling" is one of my favorite books of all time. I really hope you enjoy them! Great haul! :)

    Happy reading!

    My Mailbox

  4. I love the movie he's just not that into you!
    Imaginary girls was always on my wishlist
    I started Tris and Izzie but stopped after the first chapter!
    Should I continue?
    I am an old follower hopping by
    Check out IMM

  5. First, I love your background! I have a similar one on my Twitter account.

    Second, what a great haul of books this week. Several are on my "I want to read this" list.

    Happy Reading!

    Book 'Em! IMM

  6. Wow I love all the books you got! I see a couple I want to add to my to read pile;) Love your blog and I'm a new follower!

    Happy Reading!

  7. Thanks for leaving a comment here (My IMM). Looking forward to reading your review of Tris and Izzie! And wow, great haul! I guess my wishlist will be a bit longer tomorrow. xD

    New Follower! =)

  8. WOW! You have an awesome mailbox! :)

    I read Graceling and Across the Universe, and they were both pretty awesome! But I ADORE Nicholas Sparks movies (I have a bunch of his books in my TBR pile), so I hope you like The Wedding!

    The library is the best ;)

    I hope you love them all!

  9. wow! great set! i wanted to read imaginary girls and juliet! thanks for stopping by.

    enjoy reading

  10. GRACELING is absolutely amazing, I hope you like it!! TRIS AND IZZIE looks like a good one, too. Great week for books. :)

  11. You got a wonderful selection of books. They should keep you reading for quite a while. Happy reading!

  12. Graceling is sooo good, hope you'll enjoy it. =)

    The HAunting of Orchid Forsythia

  13. I've heard amazing things about Imaginary Girls. Across The Universe was one of the best books I've read. Come visit me over at Livre De Amour.

  14. You got a lot going... Wah! I've always wanted Juliet and Imaginary Girls but I can't find them here.

    Thanks for stopping by. Happy reading.

  15. Thanks for stopping by. :) I can't wait to read Tris and Izzie. Happy reading!

  16. I love the cover for Imaginary Girls and I need to read Graceling. It has sat on my shelf for awhile. You got a great selection of books. Enjoy and write some great reviews! Thanks for stopping by my IMM.

  17. I’m still hiking through Graceling. Across the Universe I loved. Heard not that many great things about Tris & Izzie. And I want to read Imaginary girls. Great week you had.

    Thanks for coming by my blog :)

  18. wow so many books! I am so jealous ;)
    have a great read!

  19. What a wonderful bookish day! And so many great books you've got hold of :) I hope you enjoy them all.

    Ladybug from Escape In A Book

  20. Well, this is A LOT of books! * jealous*
    Here's my IMM if you want to step by:

    Happy reading!

  21. Graceling is worth it, it's a great book!

    Thanks for stopping by my IMM, I watched my dear John DVD last night and I liked it :)


  22. I keep wanting to pick up Tris & Izzie for review, but I have too many to read. It looks so good though!

  23. I've wanted to read Graceling for a while so I'm curious as to what you'll think of that. I'm also wondering if the book He's Just Not That Into You is any good. I didn't care for the movie, not sure if the two are related or not.

  24. Graceling and Across the Universe are two of my absolute favorite books so I hope you enjoy them. Juliet and Imaginary Girls look great as well. Happy reading! :)

  25. Nice mailbox this week. Sea is on my list of books to read, it looks like such a great book.
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

  26. So many I want to read!


  27. Very nice mailbox!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.. have a great week!

    Nora, The Bookery

  28. Gosh, that's a lot of great books! I have a few these myself :-)

    Enjoy reading them all!
