
Sunday, July 3, 2011

In My Mailbox (4)

In My Mailbox is a meme that I picked up from The Story Siren's blog. It's where we share the new books that we've gotten for that week with our readers. These books could be from the library, the store, or from the writers/publishers for review. Whatever the reason, I will share my new books every Sunday! 

From the Library 

I love looking at other people's mailboxes every Sunday because there are always so many good books. I got these books after seeing them on some people bogs because they sounds like really good reads. I have absolutely no time to read more books for the library but I still get them anyways because there are so many more books I want to read! I guess I just have to limit myself more, if that's even possible...

Library Books Sale

And since I made a trip (or multiple trips) to the library this week, I just had to get some more $1 books there. I ended up finding these books and flipping out because I really want to read Water For Elephants but I don't like buying books for $10 (I'm spoiled by my Half Price Books). So when I found these, I got really excited and I just had to buy them. 

From Booksneeze

I got another free book from booksneeze to review! I'm usually not into reading inspirational book (like ones that have to do with religion a lot) but this one sounded really interesting. It is more about the story of the boy with implied meanings of religion, nothing too preachy, which is what I'm okay with reading. So I can't wait to get to this book! 

From Netgalley

I absolutely LOVE netgalley but the problem is that I have so many other books to read that I can't get too many ebooks at a time from them. So this week I only got one that I haven't gotten to reading yet. Hopefully I can get to it soon so that I can get even more great ebooks from netgalley to review!

Won in Giveaway

I won this book at the wonderful blog, Book Garden Reviews! This sounds like such an awesome book and I want to thank Book Garden Reviews so much for the giveaway! 

From Publisher/Author  


I love love love getting free books from authors and publishers if I review them. So now, since I've started this blog, I've been obsessed with getting the mail and checking my email because I love seeing if there's a new book for me to read. It's so exciting, kind of like getting a new present every day. I think blogging is the best job to have because you get paid in free review copies of books :) 

That's it! What all was in your guys's mailboxes this week? Please share! 


  1. I love Half Price Book store as well. My library sale shelf had Water For Elephants on it a while back I was shocked. But happy too so I snatched it up and made it mine. It was good I hope you enjoy yours.

  2. Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog! :)
    You got some nice books too! In your Room sounds amazing, I'll add to my to-read list right away. And I have a copy of Water for Elephants around here too, just need to find time to read it :)

    Nickey @ The Book Shop Asistant

  3. You did get a nice assortment of books. I like the variety of places where you got them too. I hope you enjoy all of them. Happy reading!

  4. Great mailbox! I hope you enjoy Shade, it was great! And congrats on your win! I love anything about Mr. Darcy. :) Enjoy!

  5. In Your Room was the first book that I ever won.

    Great haul!

  6. sirenz has a cute cover! is it about mythology?

  7. Mmmm I love Water for Elephants!! And I just read Shade so now I need to read Shift. Nice haul!!

    Mickey @ imabookshark

    PS - I love the library sales!

  8. Hey! Thanks for commenting!
    Sirenz looks like a fun read, definitely something I'd like!
    Darcy and Fitzwilliam looks interesting, can't wait to see what ya think!

  9. Great IMM this week! I still have to read Water for Elephants! haha

    My IMM is here:

  10. Thanks for visiting my blog :)

    Looks like you got some great reads as well - Darcy and Fitzwilliam looks interesting! Enjoy them!

  11. I am Jealous!!!
    In your room looks so cute!!

  12. Nice collection of books this week!
    Shade is among my favorite reads for this year!Happy reading :)

  13. Sirenz! You must let me know how it is. And Shade is FANTASTIC! I hope you love it as much as I do!

  14. Limiting yourself? HA! I wish you all the good luck in the world with that. From my own experiences, I've found we book lovers are hardwired for getting an ungodly amount of books in an amount of time where it's impossible to finish all of them. Such is our curse. XD

    I understand the thrill of getting review requests. Quite a feeling. :)

    Happy reading!

    The Authoress

  15. Great set! I loved Water for Elephants and Wicked. I liked the book Wicked even better than the musical.
    My IMM

  16. Wicked is supposed to be REALLY good! Looks like you've got some good readin' comin up in your future! LOL!!!

    Thanks for stoppin by my site! =D

  17. Shade is OH SO GOOD, just read the sequel and it was also awesome :) I want to read Water For Elephants pretty badly, I've heard good things about it! Hope you enjoy all of these, happy reading!

  18. What an awesome IMM :D I hope you enjoy all your books :D Happy reading!


    PS: Thank you for stopping by my blog :D

  19. You got some great books! I really want to read Shade, too. Water for Elephants and Wicked are both good books. And I know what you mean about being spoiled by your half priced books. I'm spoiled by The Book Depository's prices.

  20. I love library book sales! You can find so many amazing things at them. Not to mention you get awesome deals! Great books!

  21. Ooh, lots of awesome books this week! Thanks for stopping by my blog and happy reading! :)

    ComaCalm's Corner

  22. I wanna try Shade sometime, I haven't seen in any stores so far though. I know what you mean about the library. I haven't had time to read any of my purchases for about two months because I keep on borrowing things.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  23. Water for Elephants was so good! I haven't read the rest of them, but a girl at work is always reading and rereading Life in the Time of Cholera.

  24. Library book sales are the best, and they're always a good way to find new books, too.

    You've got some lovely finds, here!

  25. Your picks from the library look so awesome! I have literally been dying to read Sirenz!

  26. wow! tons of great books this week :) I have Shade on my bookshelf but haven't read it yet, I've heard good things though.Same with Water for Elephants. Happy reading! and thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  27. Oooh, I've been interested in Sirenz but maybe just because of the title/cover? haha. SO MANY BOOKS. Am impressed.

  28. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for following. ^_^ I got Anna and the French Kiss out of sheer curiosity since the whole world is singing its praises.

    I remember I quite liked reading Love in the Time of the Cholera. Such a compelling read.


  29. Wow! You've got Love In the Time of Cholera, I'm dying to read that! Great set, by the way!

    Happy Reading!

  30. Fab books! I want to read Water For Elephants too.
