
Friday, July 22, 2011

Follow My Book Blog Friday (4)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other! 

Questions: Name 3 authors that you would love to sit down and spend an hour or meal with just talking about either their books or get advice from writing from. 


My first choice would be Nicholas Sparks. I absolutely love every single on of his books (well, almost all of them). He is an amazing writer and he can make me cry with his stories, which is a really hard thing to do for me. I've gotta say that I'm super jealous of Miley Cyrus because she got to meet him! She is definitely not my favorite person in the world and it is SO not fair she got to meet this amazing author when she probably hadn't even heard of him before she was in The Last Song. I would do ANYTHING to get to meet him because I have always loved his work!! The Lucky One is my favorite of his and it's going to be a movie next year with Zac Efron! I can't wait! 

The next author I would meet is Cassandra Clare! The Mortal Instruments are a fantastic series of books and I fell in love with their world! Jace is amazing and his relationship with Clary is so cute! I would love to hear how Cassandra Clare came up with that amazing world of shadowhunters and how she wrote about such lovable characters. I'm super excited for this to become a movie, even though Alex Pettyfer isn't playing Jace (which I was really hoping for because he is exactly who I picture Jace being). Cassandra Clare is an amazing writer and being able to talk with her for even an hour would just be unbelievable. 

Last, but certainly not least, I would meet Jennifer Echols. One of my favorite books of all time is The Boys Next Door (which isn't pictured, but she wrote it!!) because I fell in love with Adam and Laurie's love story. When her newest book, Love Story came out on Monday, I got it that day and finished it on Tuesday because I couldn't wait to read it. Her books are always so good and I just can't get enough of them! Just being able to meet her would probably freak me out and I wouldn't even know what to say! She creates the most perfect stories that I could read over and over again. 

And that's it for me! What about you guys? What authors would you all love to meet? 


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Great answers, I would love to meet those authors also!


  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Nicholas Sparks would be interesting to meet. I wonder what kind of person has such a tender and romantic heart. It would also be neat to know where he gets his ideas from.

    New follower ^_^

    sinn @ sinnful books

  3. I also love Nicholas Sparks books, although I think I've cried when reading every single one of them.

  4. Thanks for posting on my blog, I think your blog is too cute, new follower. BTW Cassandra Clare is a trip to meet, so personable and funny. I hope one day you do get to meet her.~BLS

  5. I thought about Nicholas Sparks too! I love his stories!

  6. Ooh, meeting Nicholas Sparks would be awesome. Great picks!

  7. Thanks for stopping by and following. New follower here too. I love Nicholas Sparks and it is very unfair that Miley got to meet him when it really should have been you ;-)

  8. Yay for Cassandra Clare! I would love to meet her, too. I've only read The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks, and I haven't read any of Jennifer Echols, though. :/

  9. I haven't read any Echols books but have been meaning to. This makes me want to check her out more! Thanks for checking out my blog too!

    A Written Rhapsody

  10. Thanks for stopping by on my blog! I really do love Nicholas Sparks as well... his stories really come straight from the heart! New Follower. :)


  11. I haven't read Jennifer Echols yet. Cute blog!

  12. Hi there, hopping through and following you.
    Have a great weekend!

    Holjo @ Pedantic Phooka

  13. Thanks for the blog visit. I wonder if Nicholas Sparks would be telling tales to make you cry over lunch? :)

  14. Great picks! I haven't read Nicholas Sparks, but I've seen the movies based off his books. I can only imagine they must be 100 times more heartbreaking (in a good way) than the movies.

    Thanks for stopping by :)

    New follower!

  15. OH! Great choices! I'd love to talk to 1)Judy Blume 2)Libba Bray 3)Jodi Picoult All three have very different styles and voices. I'd love to hear how an idea grows to a complete story.

  16. I love Cassandra Clare as well! I hate to say it, but I would probably want to punch Nicholas Sparks if I ever met him for how I felt when I finished reading A Walk to Remember. It was such a feel good book till the end! :-) Since then I refuse to read his books. (But often still go see the movies.)

  17. Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I love your Picks!!!!

    Happy Firday!!

  18. Thanks so much for visiting my blog! :) I really like your picks :) I'm a fan of Nicholas Sparks and it would be cool to meet him :)

    Have a great weekend! :)


  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog, new follower!
    Nicholas Sparks is a great choice! Have a great weekend (:

  20. Great choices! Love Cassie, as you know, but I'm so excited to read Jennifer's books! Need to get them one day :)

    Thanks for stopping by!

  21. Great picks. New follower. Thanks for stopping by.

  22. Those are some pretty great choices. I used to read a lot of Nicholas Sparks and I agree, he's amazing. For Cassandra Clare, I've only read City Of Bones thus far, but it was awesome and such an entertaining read. I haven't read any of Jennifer Echols books yet but I hear such great things about them, I need to check them out!

    Jamie @ Bookerella

  23. Hi, and Happy Belated FF from a new follower. Interesting choices. Might have to pick up some Cassandra Clare books as she seems like a very popular pick.

  24. Whoa, 25 comments, girl you are like famous now! Loved your picks, and glad to see you spreading the word on Jennifer Echols!

  25. Hey, thanks for stopping by, Great choices!

  26. Ohh, I like Jennifer Echols books too!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great week!

    Nora, The Bookery

  27. I absolutely agree with Cassandra Clare! Love her books!! I haven't read a lot of Nichola Sparks or Jennifer Echols. ...although, I really should! haha!

    Great choices!

  28. Hello! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Oh my! I LOVE Nicholas Sparks!!! Great choice!!

    ~Happy Reading!~

  29. Cassandra Clare is an awesome choice!! Love the pics too!! I am a follower!

  30. I'm going to have to read some Jennifer Echols. I've heard so much good stuff about her. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
