
Friday, July 1, 2011

Follow My Book Blog Friday (3)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other! 

Question: ACK! Your favorite book/movie character (example Hermione Granger played by the Emma chick) just walked into room! Who is it and what would be your first reaction? You get some extra points if you include visual stimulation. 

Answer: You know who would make me die if they walked into the room? Troy Bolton aka Zac Efron aka the love of my life. High School musical is my favorite movie of all time and I've been in love with Zac Efron since the first movie came out. If he just walked into the room, first I would probably stand their staring at him with my mouth hanging wide open in disbelief. Then, I'd probably start to cry and blabber on about how in love with him I am. Then, I would demand that he sing for me with his oh so beautiful voice and probably cry some more. Oh, and I'd take like a bazillion pictures of us together to hang all over my room to remember the magical moment where I met Zac Efron. 


  1. Aw. Zac is so adorable.

    Thanks for stopping by my post! Hope you have a great weekend. :)

    Amanda @ Letters Inside Out

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Zac Efron is so pretty. I would probably just stare at him too. New follower! ^_^

    ~Shalena @ Writer Quirk

  3. I think I would just die if Zac Efron walked into a room, no matter what character he is playing!! Great choice.

    Been following you a few weeks now


  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    New follower

    Have a great Holiday weekend!

  5. I loved Zac in Hairspray! In fact, I just loved that entire movie!

    New Follower here! And happy friday!

    Happy Friday! And I'm a new follower!

    Book Brats!

  6. thanks for showing my blog some follow friday love!

    my kids LOVE high school musical (my oldest says that troy bolton is her boyfriend!)

    i was charlie st. cloud recently...he's really good in that movie!

    new follower :)

  7. My daughters love Troy! lol! He is a cutie! :)

    Thanks for hopping by! Have a great weekend!

  8. I do NOT want to be in the room when this happens. HeHe well maybe I do. I'll just watch from across the room. =)

    Thanks for visiting #FF

  9. Thanks for the follow. I'm just hopping by to say thanks and to return the favour.

    Char =)

  10. Thanks for stopping by! Zac Efron was such a cuite. I've seen the first HSM, but I don't think I ever got to see the last two. I'm actually curious to how they ended it. Have a good one!

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Zac efron is cute! Have a great weekend!

    Bookgirl @ My Book Addiction

  12. Lol cute choice! whilst he's not to my personal taste, I agree he is good looking! Thanks for stopping by my blog =]

    The Cait Files

  13. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love Troy-- he was my favorite character from HSM. And I'll always love Zac. He's so handsome. ;)

  14. I love Zac!!
    I think kissing him would be a better idea ;)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Would love it if you stop by regularly and follow!!
    Xx I am a new follower!!

  15. I'm not a fan of HSM but Troy is a cute character. Thanks for visiting my blog and I'm now following back!

  16. You know, i'm not much of a fan of Zac Efron but I think I'd die if he walked in too. He is ADORABLE. Enough to make any girl faint :) BTW thanks for the follow, I'm here to return it!

  17. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Have a nice weekend.


  18. OMG! Zac Efron! I completely forgot about him. I'm not a big HSM fan but I liked him in Hairspray and 17 Again. Great choice.

    Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  19. awwww...cute boy. Reaction to cute boy is hilarious. Thanks for stopping by!

    ♥ Trish
    Just a YA Girl

  20. CUTE! And his acting and singing are to die for! Thanks for stopping by. Have a nice weekend!


  21. Hi, Jess! Just wanted to stop by and say that Zac Efron is agreeably one of the cutest guys ever :) Promise me that when he sings a personalized song for you, you'll send me a photo (and maybe a video?)! ;)

    Hope you have an awesome weekend!

  22. He is a cutie!
    Thanks for stopping by Book'd Out earlier!


  23. Thanks for the follow!! Following back =D

  24. Is it weird that I've never seen High School Musical? I feel like I'm probably in the minority! But as he gets older, I am finding Zac Efron more and more attractive, so good choice! Following you now!

    Jamie @ Bookerella

  25. Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    lol I loved Zac in Hairspray! One of my favorite movies! Great choice!

    Happy Blog Hop!

    Lisa @ Once Upon A Chapter

  26. Cute answer. Thanks for stopping by my blog during FF. I am following you back.
    Have a great weekend.
    ~ Monique

  27. I'm going to be 24 this year, and I am still in love with High School Musical. lol Great choice, thanks for sharing!!

  28. I've never seen it, but a few years ago the park playhouse across the street from my apartment did it as their summer performance and every evening I would hear all of the I think I've seen it by proxy. ;)

  29. Zac has beautiful eyes!

    Thanks for coming by my blog!
    I am a new follower.

    inga from
