
Friday, July 8, 2011

Book Review: The Wrong Path by Vivian Marie Aubin du Paris

Summary: Annabelle finally has it all. She has the most popular friends and her childhood crush, Trevor,  is finally paying attention to her. But one night Trevor's younger brother Will comes into her life. He's unpredictable, a troublemaker, and for some reason, Annabelle just can't get enough of him. Will shows her a world where she doesn't have to please her friends 24/7 and it's okay to just be herself. Annabelle is caught between two very different worlds and she must choose which one she really wants. Choosing the wrong one, though, can cause Annabelle's whole world to come crumbling down. 

Review: For the first 15-20 pages of this book, I was really annoyed by how shallow and fake all of the characters were. But as the story progressed, I realized that the annoying way they were acting was necessary to get the point across of why Annabelle felt fake with them. I loved Annabelle's character and how she finally had everything she ever wanted but it wasn't all as perfect as she thought it would be. This book is kind of like the high school version of The Clique series but with a better romance. My favorite character was Ebony and how she didn't give a crap about what other people thought and she was friends with whoever she wanted to be friends with. And Will was a pretty awesome character too, even though he was always somehow up in a tree...The Wrong Path deals with the things teens today have to deal with, whether it's trying to fit in for friends or trying to find out who you really are. I really enjoyed it and wished that it didn't end so soon. I would have loved a couple of more chapters explaining events that happened instead of a paragraph recap. For a short, sweet book that deals with the lives and drama of teens, The Wrong Path is the perfect one to pick up. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it could be a cute read! I'll be putting it on my to-be-read on Goodreads! Love your site, by the way, it's looks really cool. Found you on book blogs and am now following! :)

