
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Book Review: Winter Longing by Tricia Mills

Summary: Winter's entire world came crashing down on her the afternoon Spencer died. Only one day after they had finally confessed their feelings for each other, Winter's new boyfriend died in a plane crash. Winter doesn't know what to feel anymore, let alone how to feel. It seems like everywhere she goes, something brings back Spencer's memory. It seems like the only thing that's keeping her sane is Jesse, her next door neighbor who until Spencer died, she hadn't really thought about before. Now, Winter's unlikely friendship with Jesse has the possibility to turn into something more, but how can she even think about letting go of Spencer and letting someone else in?

Review: Let me just start off by saying that I loved this book so freaking much! What first drew me in was the cover, and then once I started the story I was addicted! From what I had remembered of the summary, I thought that Winter was going to lose her long term boyfriend who she was madly in love with. But no. She lost the boy she had been madly in love with since 2nd grade but had only just admitted her feelings (which he reciprocated) the very day before he died. Now that is sad. It was details like these that made the book so emotional and so good to read. But that's not the reason I love this book. No, the reason I love this book is one word. Jesse. I completely fell in love with Jesse once he started to show up randomly in Winter's life. He was so sweet and so caring that even when he got frustrated that Winter couldn't get over Spencer, he still stuck around. And when the moment on the cover happened in the book, I literally had an "awwwwwww" moment because it was so sweet. I seriously want to take Jesse home with me and never let him go! He was just the thing Winter needed in her life and I couldn't help but be jealous of her. Yes, I'm jealous of someone who's not even real. But you would be to if you read this book! Which you should do! Right now! Trust me, you will not ever regret picking up this amazing book.


  1. Nice review! :) Looks interesting. I think i'll check it out!

  2. Fab review - adding it tot he list of D&B books for the school library :D

  3. This sounds really good. I'm going to give it a try. Great review!

  4. I love this review! What a great book. Now that I'm remembering it I might reread it. So good.

    By the way, really like the header to your blog.
