
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Book Review: Love Story by Jennifer Echols

Summary: Erin Blackwell is finally doing what she's always dreamed of: majoring in creating writing at NYU. The only problem is that in order to do so, she had to defy her grandmother's wishes of majoring in business. Her grandmother is so angry, she takes away her inheritance and all of her college money and gave it to their stable boy. Now in New York with no money, Erin is forced to work her way through college. She knows she should hate Hunter, the stable boy who stole her inheritance, but she finds herself writing about him as the hero of her love story she writes for her creative writing class. When she's sharing her story though, Hunter walks in claiming to be in the class. Once he hears her most secret fantasies about his in her stories, it's clear how Erin feels about him. Hunter, in turn, starts writing messages to Erin in his own stories, and Erin soon finds herself writing an ending that she can only wish will come true. 

Review: I love Jennifer Echols's books sososososo much, so it was really really hard for me to give this book only four stars. This book caught me from the beginning, starting with Erin's story for her creative writing class about her and a boy she had fallen in love with on a farm, but in a historical setting. It was such a good way to introduce the story without the same old typical recap some authors use. Then, when Hunter walks into her class, I couldn't wait to see where their relationship would go. I didn't really like Hunter at first with Erin describing him as the perfect, outgoing guy but once I got to know him more, I saw that there was so much more to him than how he acted in her class. The whole setting of this book and how Erin and Hunter would write messages to each other in their stories was so intriguing to read and made me fall in love with the story. The thing that makes me only give it four stars is the ending. I hated how this huge thing happened and then nothing (sorry if that's vague, but I'm trying to explain without giving too much away!). I expected Erin and Hunter to act so differently than how they did. It was like, they were acting this way before but since it's the end, they're going to act this way with each other now. There was no clear solution to the problem that came up. That is what bugged me the most. Everything else in this book was so good and amazing but I just couldn't stand how the ending ended. As much as it pains me, I have to give this book a four. I still think that all of you should go out and get this book right now! You just have to deal with a disappointing ending to be able to read an amazing story.


  1. Hmm, not so sure, though. I love Jen Echols books, too! So, I'd hate to yell and get mad at a disappointing ending. At the same time, my curiosity is piqued!

    ~ Asher (from Paranormal Indulgence)

  2. Great review. I'm always intrigued when people say they didn't like the ending of a book! It usually puts other people off books but for some reason it makes me read them!


  3. Sounds great! Everybody has been raving about Love Story! Can't wait to read! :)

  4. I just read this book this past week and I know exactly how you feel. The ending was definitely disappointing, but I guess she just wanted it to be open ended rather than spelling everything out to the readers. I have to say that I did like Forget You a lot more than this one and I was a little disappointed after I finished Love Story just because I expected so much more from Echols.

  5. This was my first Echols book and loved it! Really liked how they shared stories though :)

  6. Great review! I also only gave it four stars, although not specifically because of the ending (that did play a factor though). I just felt like something was missing that made her other romantic dramas have such spark. I still loved this one though.

    New follower :)

  7. Gah, sorry you felt this way. It sucks when a book doesn't meet with expectations or leaves you disappointed :( Thanks for the warning if I do happen to read it!

  8. I love this book so much! I just finished and reviewed it myself. But, oh, it made me happy. I'm a HUGE Jennifer Echols fan. I'm really okay with the ending. I can see how it would be frustrating, though.
