
Sunday, June 26, 2011

In My Mailbox (3)

In My Mailbox is a meme that I picked up from The Story Siren's blog. It's where we share the new books that we've gotten for that week with our readers. These books could be from the library, the store, or from the writers/publishers for review. Whatever the reason, I will share my new books every Sunday! 

From the Library:

Since I already have a ton of books I have to read, I didn't get that many from the library this week. The books I did though I'm super excited to read! I love Susan Colasanti and hope this book is as good as her other ones! 

From Half Price Books: 

Yes, I went to Half Price Books again, but I can't help it! Any time I see a movie at the dollar theater (which is often) I HAVE to stop in because they are right next to each other! But this trip I limited myself to only one book! It's by Cecelia Ahern, who wrote PS I Love You, so I hope it's good! 

From Library Book Sale: 

There's a wall of books at my library with books for only $1, so I almost always find books I want to take home with me when I stop by. These two are what I found this week! I love me some good romance novels :) 

From the Author/Publisher 

This week I had three books come through the actual mail for me and let's just say I was extremely excited! I love receiving free books to review, so I can't wait to read these! The only problem was, for a couple of them, I didn't remember where they came from! So I had to dig through my old emails to remember who sent them! Needless to say they were pleasant surprises to find in my mailbox! I just hope I have enough time to get all of these books soon! 

From Netgalley 

Netgalley has honestly been my best friend since I got my Nook! It gives me free ebooks that haven't been released yet or were just released if all I do is review them! I love having these ebooks for anytime I feel like reading something new. It gives people like me who don't have enough money to spend on real books AND ebooks, the chance to read new books anytime they want! It's a dream come true for book reviewers and bloggers  

That's it! What all was in your guys's mailboxes this week? Please share! 


  1. I love library book sales! I'm the same way, I usually always find something work picking up.

    Nice list.

  2. I'm looking forward to Vesper. Oh and I love hitting the library sales. :)

  3. Want to read So Much Closer. Great bunch of reads and love your blog name. If you get a chance, stop by my IMM

  4. Great IMM this week. Vesper has a great cover. I'll be checking it out. Thanks! :)

    My IMM is here:

  5. Vesper and So Much Closer looks great! I hope you enjoy them. Happy reading :).

  6. I have Vesper in my TBR pile too!
    It's sounds like an awesome book!!
    Nice IMM.. and I wanted to follow you but your GFC button seems to be missing!!

  7. Thanks for visiting mine. I love the cover of Vesper looks awesome.

  8. I agree with The Book Angel...Vesper does have a great cover, can't wait to see what you think. Also, I am a lover of net galley too! Just discovered it and I am addicted, not just pre-release books but ones I can read on my nook...loving it ;) Thanks for checking out my imm btw enjoyed seeing your haul.

  9. The Chocolate Diaries looks like such a fun book! But hey, I'm a fan of anything that involves chocolate!

  10. I just discovered NetGalley in the last month- man I have been missing out. It almost makes me want to get a kindle or nook!

  11. I, too, can always find something great at the library, even if I have a billion other books to read. :) Vesper looks really good, and so does So Much Closer. I haven't heard of a lot of the others. Hope you enjoy all of your books, and thanks for stopping by my IMM!

  12. Hi there! Thanks for Commenting on my "In my Mailbox" for today. I love your choices, and I've heard raving good reviews about "Broken Wing" I hope you enjoy them all!! :) I'm a new follower!

  13. I haven't read any of these and haven't heard of most of them. Vesper looks pretty good!

  14. Thanks for calling by, an amazing mailbox this week!

  15. I read Confessions of a Call Center Gal and loved it! Plus, Lisa is so awesome. The Chocolate Diaries sounds awesome just going by title alone. It looks like you have an awesome batch of books. :)

  16. I really enjoyed Love, Rosie. The other books you got also look really good! Hope you enjoy them all.

    Old follower

  17. I think I may have to steal this idea!! LOVE it.

  18. I loveee library booksales lol! When I use to work their as a student I would snag all the really awesome books they were getting rid of for 25 cents each before they went on the for sale shelf! So much closer looks cute :) Nice IMM :)

  19. Awesome books! Vesper is on my TBR list! Hope you enjoy them all! :)

    Em ~ Book Angel

  20. I really enjoyed Vesper :) Enjoy your week of reading!

    -Sarah @ Y.A. Love

  21. Nice titles this week! So Much Closer is one I want to get to myself. Thanks for stopping by my IMM. :)

  22. That is quite the haul.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm a new follower here.
    Sarah @ Workaday Reads

  23. Great set! I'm especially interested in the Susan Colasanti book.
    My IMM

  24. Wow- you got so many great looking books this week, and such a real mixture too! Enjoy!

  25. oooh, i loooove donna fletcher's books!!! They are sooo sweet!! enjoy!

  26. Susane Colasanti's book looks interesting! I've heard lots of great things from her! Happy reading and thanks for stopping by Readers Unite!!

  27. Great IMM! I really want Vesper and I'm getting a Susane Colasanti book in the mail sometime next week. I hope you enjoy! :D

  28. I've had Vesper on the shelf forever and still can seem to get to it. Hope you enjoy your reads :-)

  29. I'm dying to read So Much Closer! Hope you enjoy it!

  30. You've got quite the haul this week! I'm so looking forward to getting my hands on So Much Closer and Vesper! Enjoy! Happy reading! And thanks for stopping by the blog earlier.

  31. Oh, you've got yourself a lot of pretty books!
    I love NetGalley too, it's just amazing!
    Thanks for stopping by, and happy reading ;-)

  32. I wish I lived near a half price books! The only book store near me is Borders, and ours is closing. Great haul!

  33. Thanks for stopping by and I everytime I get another Morganville book I am finished with it by the end of the day lol. So much closer is on my btr list can't wait to see what you think
    Gabby @ Reading Shining Star.

  34. I love the cover of Charming the prince. It's lovely.

  35. Great books and I love your background! Oh and happy to say I am your 100th follower !!! Yay! Happy Reading!

  36. Great stuff this week, and thanks for stopping by my blog! I read Love, Rosie a while back, and, if I remember correctly, thought it was an adorable story. Great finds!!

  37. I've never heard of Netgalley before, but I'm going to be checking it out. My library has a book sale every 3rd week of the month and I can usually find some good books there. Looks like a great set of books this week!

  38. wow! you saved a lot of money this week via those cheap prices, the library, and Netgalley and yet have so many books!! I haven't heard of the romance novels that you got, but I hope you enjoy them nonetheless :).

    Happy reading!
    -Christina Reads YA

  39. I need to buy So Much Closer one of these days! :) Great books!

  40. Hope you enjoy SO MUCH CLOSER. I love Colasanti! :)

  41. So Much Closer is a great read. I can't wait hear your thoughts on it. Happy Reading!

  42. Hi, new follower here! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope you enjoy So Much Closer - I've been really wanting to read a Colasanti book for a while.

  43. Great mailbox this week, I hope you enjoy the books. Love the cover of Vesper.

  44. Awesome books! I really liked So Much Closer. I think I should get Vesper - it looks good.
    Sally @ elifylop

  45. OOOOOOoooOOOOO Vespers sounds really great. Happy Reading!

  46. Great books this week! I'm jealous you have Vesper! I can't wait to read that!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  47. I loved Vesper when I read it, so I hope you enjoy it too! Thanks for dropping by :-)
