
Sunday, June 19, 2011

In My Mailbox (2)

In My Mailbox is a meme that I picked up from The Story Siren's blog. It's where we share the new books that we've gotten for that week with our readers. These books could be from the library, the store, or from the writers/publishers for review. Whatever the reason, I will share my new books every Sunday! 

From the Library

Whenever I go to Barnes and Noble, I go straight for the teen section and look at all of the new releases. Since all of them are so expensive and I'd go broke if I bought them all, I always write down the names and reserve them at the library when I get home. These three books I got thanks to my trip to the bookstore. They looked good on the shelf, so I got them from the library. 

From Booksneeze

I now belong to the website Booksneeze where they will give you a free book if you review it for them. So, I got this in the mail a couple of days ago and needless to say, I was excited. I get free books if I tell people what I thought of them? Awesome! Hopefully I can read this soon and catch my next book from Booksneeze. 

From Half Price Books (The best store ever!!) 

I love going to Half Price Books and whenever I walk in there, I HAVE to buy something. The best part about the store is their clearance section. Everything is either $1 or $2, so that's where I have found a majority of the books I own because it's hard to pass up books that cheap. The total cost of this recent trip to Half Price Books? $3.50! How's that for cheap books?

From Netgalley

Now that I have a Nook, I can finally read ebooks! At Netgalley, bloggers can get free ebooks to review on their blogs. I registered and now, I can get even more free books to review! This week, I loaded these two onto my Nook and can't wait to start reading them! 


  1. Awesome IMM! I really want to read Queen of the Dead and Wake Unto Me. They both sound awesome! I hope you enjoy reading them!

  2. I want to read all your library books, they look great.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  3. I really want to read Wake Unto Me!

  4. Thank you for stopping by my blog.

    Great IMM! I'm reading Queen of the Dead, I hope you'll like it :D

    Happy reading!


  5. Great set! I loved Queen of the Dead. I want to read Wake Unto Me.
    New follower!
    My IMM

  6. Haha, I do the same thing at the bookstores! Usually, I snap a quick picture with my iPod, then go home and request them all from the library.. It's sooo much cheaper! Glad to know I'm not the only one! :D

    I read Yours to Keep, it was pretty good, even though I haven't read the first books in the series. Hope you enjoy everything you got!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm following youuuu! :]

    NoraBell, The Bookery

  7. I ordered ten things we did (and probably shouldnt have) from my library to, I have heard great things about it, I really hope I like it.

    Queen of the dead was a good book, not as good as the first one in my opinion but its still good, I wish I could order Wake unto me from my library, but noone has it :( oh well

    have fun reading this week.

    here's my IMM

  8. Thanks everyone! Now I'm really excited to read all the books I got!!!

  9. Wow, that's a lot of great reads. Enjoy!


  10. So jealous of 10 Things We Did! I've heard amazing things about it. Hope you really like it :) Here's mine:

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

  11. I'm totally jealous of all your library books too. Lol. They look sooo good.

  12. I've heard such good things about the Queen and the Goth series! At first I thought it wouldn't be for me, but now I'm starting to rethink my opinion after so many people have said they loved it. Anyway, great haul this week and happy reading!

  13. Oh man. What a stash you got this week. Hope you enjoy them. New follower. Come visit me as well.

  14. Oh, I loved Yours to Keep! I made it my beach read pick this past week because I thought it's a perfect summer read. And I totally do the same thing you do - going to the bookstore, then requesting them from the library. :) Thanks for stopping by - following you back!

  15. WOW what a great IMM. Queen of the Dead and Wake Unto Me sound like fantastic reads. Hope you enjoy all of these fantastic titles.

  16. WOOO!! Awesome week for you here :)
    I really want to hear what you think of TEN THINGS WE DID AND PROBABLY SHOULDN'T HAVE...I heard great things about it!

    Here's my IMM for this week:

    BTW...I'm a new follower :)

    ~Harpreet @ A Spark of Interest - Books for Teens

  17. Your Netgalley picks look awesome!!

  18. Awesome picks this week! I've got Ghost and the Goth on my shelf, but I haven't gotten around to it.. yet. And I thought I was the only one who went to bookstores to take a list! I always bring a notepad and pen with me to B&N, and then hop on over to the library with said list.

  19. Never heard of BookSneeze before. Is it a good site? I'm not sure I can take on another site, but if it's worth it I'm willing to try.

  20. Ooh, those look awesome! *note to self, go back to booksnooze!!!!!*
    Aren't books grand?

  21. Thanks guys! Don't you just love free books? I hope you all had as good of a book week as I did!!!

  22. I really want to read Wake Unto Me!! Enjoy :)

  23. I so want Ten Things We Did and Queen of the Dead. Great books this week!

  24. Wake Unto Me is definitely already on my TBR list (and I have a special place in my heart for Scott Westerfeld's books, including the Midnighters Series).

    Thanks for stopping by! :D

    Austine @ The Magick Pen

  25. I browse bookstore shelves in order to scribble down a library list, too. :) Those hardcovers have to be really GOOD to be worth their price! I really like the Midnighters series. Hope you enjoy, and I'm following you now!

  26. I've read Queen of the Dead a few months ago and loved it! Ten Things We Did looks really good and I can't wait to read it!

    I love netgalley! I am about to go on it and request Yours To Keep and Pirate of my Heart!

    New follower :)


  27. I loved Queen of the Dead even better than the first book in the series! Such a fun series. Enjoy your new books!

  28. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I agree about the teen books. The covers are always so interesting, and I check out a lot from my library.

  29. Thanks for dropping by the blog - I'm a new follower! I REALLY LOVE your background with all the quotes!!!

    The book I most want to read that you got this week is Queen of the Dead - that series looks really great and I need to read both books. I started reading a book that reminded me of that series - Generation Dead - and so far it's really good. Unfortunately had to set it aside for review books and haven't had a chance to pick it back up yet! lol

    I really hope you enjoy all your books and have a great week!
    April @ My Shelf Confessions

  30. I almost got Wake Unto Me when she was going to be doing a signing by me, but I wasn't able to make it do the signing. Nice book haul

  31. Great books! I really want to read Ten Things We Did, I'm excited about it. Enjoy them all :)
    Em ~ Book Angel

  32. Great bunch of books.

    Happy Reading! :-)

  33. Great haul. I do that too in the bookstore!

  34. Your lucky you can get such awesome books in your library. I'm living in Germany, but I rather read the original versions of novels than the translated ones. But sadly they only have a very limited selection of English YA novels in my local library, so I need to purchase all of the books I read. :D

    Ten Things We Did is really great, so I hope you enjoy it (and the other books you got) as much as I did!

    Have a lovely week,

  35. Ten Things We Did is on my list -- looks like a good one. You've got some great books and I really like your blog background. Thanks for visiting my blog and Happy Reading!

  36. Great books this week! I still haven't been able to get my hands on wake unto me!

  37. Ohhh, Ten Things We Did. I really want to read this one!

  38. How gorgeous is that cover for Pirate of My Heart. It is SO pretty. I have been thinking about Wake Unto Me for a little while but I haven't been too sure...

    Great bunch of books there.

    New follower :)
