
Monday, June 20, 2011

Book Review: Magic Under Glass by Jaclyn Dolamore

Summary: Dancing in a music hall for pennies is the low life that Nimira has fallen into. But when Hollin Parry offers her a job to sing with his piano playing automaton, she jumps at the opportunity. But life in Mr. Parry's mansion isn't the fantastic life Nimira thought it would be. Parry has many dark, hidden secrets that slowly unravel while Nimira is there. During her stay, she discovers that the spirit of the long lost Fairy prince is in the automaton and slowly falls in love with him. Now, Nimira faces the problem of freeing the man she loves and saving his Fairy realm before the humans and sorcerers destroy it.  

Review: When I first started reading this book, i wasn't all that impressed. But as the story got going (which happened fairly quickly) it got really interesting and hard to put down. I really enjoyed the main character Nimira and how much she grew throughout the book. Though it was a short (only 225 pages) and easy read, Magic Under Glass had a magic of its own that was really charming to read. I instantly liked Erris, as he was stuck as a mere automaton (robotic man) that could only communicate through the piano. I got really into the book as Nimira met this mysterious robotic piano man and slowly fell in love with him. They live in a magical world of Fairies and Sorcerers, one that I can only dream of yet that comes alive in this book. Everything about Magic Under Glass was a pleasure to read, from Nimira and Erris's romance to their fight for the Fairy-Human alliance. If you're looking for a quick read that is just an adorable book overall, then pick up Magic Under Glass. Now!


  1. I liked this one too. You describe Namira and Erris's relationship beautifully. My favorite character was Hollin. I hope we see more of him in the sequel.

  2. Thanks! Yeah, I liked Hollin a lot, but I think Erris was my favorite :) I can't wait for the sequel either!!

  3. This sounds like a book I need to put on mu summer reading list. Thanks for the good review.

  4. I heartily concur with this review - Magic Under Glass was great. Although dumb me didn't even get that it was a magic retelling of Jane Eyre until it was pointed out. I'm eagerly anticipating Magic Under Stone.

  5. Yeah, I've haven't read Jane Eyre yet (but it's in my long long tbr list...) so I didn't know it was a retelling either. I'm glad you liked it too!!
