
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday's Wonders (2)

Every Wednesday I will post songs that are rocking my world, including anything wonderful, wacky, or just plain weird. Welcome to my world of Wednesday's Wonders!

Song: Blink by Revive 

When I first heard this song, it was for the preview of the show Rookie Blue (an amazingly awesome show that you should watch!). After it played, I had to rewind what I was watching so I could hear the song again so that I could buy it on iTunes. It's about life going by fast and that you have to act now before the chance passes. This just seems so appropriate for my life now because graduation is in a week and it feels like high school just passed by without me even noticing. Not only is this song sung by good singers with good music, but it tells a really important message that I'm going through right now. I don't need to want life to rush along, I can slow down and try to enjoy it now. So check this song out! There wasn't an official music video, but here's a video with the lyrics along with images for the song. I hope you enjoy it! 

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